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Important First-Read Articles

The following articles are the most important ones to read first if you are new to our site and want to know where to begin. They outline the basics of our recommendations for diet, detoxification, building body systems back to health, supplementation, and lifestyle adjustments to be aware of as you pursue your goals for inner and outer health. 

The remainder of the articles on this site is organized by topics of interest under "Blog, Articles, Audio & FAQ's". Once in the blog itself, you will also find these topics listed under the accordion "Blog Categories" in the right-hand column. Click on the arrow to open up the accordion list of articles by subject matter.

To do a search for blog articles by name or by topic use the lower search bar "Search for Vital Health Newsletter Archives". To search for products use the upper search bar in the upper-right corner of the site. 


Cleanse & Revitalize Program
A Simple Year Round Cleanse and Revitalize Program that Breaks All Dieting Rules:

A single program that replaces that cabinet full of supplements with complete nourishment, a gentle cleanse, and a steady improvement in health & vitality throughout the year.


OK, So What Foods CAN I Eat?
Important Food Combining Rules and Foods You Can Eat (with Some Discretion)

Over 100 foods listed along with cautions and variables in the way foods can be combined to remain in ideal health. Discusses a few aspects of diet not commonly known in health circles.