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Vital Health Newsletter Blog

Nature’s Best Sources for Omega Fatty Acid

by Michael King July 18, 2024 7 min read

With PCB's Now Showing Up in Fish Oils, Where Do We Turn for Omega's?

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11 Ways to Improve the Depth and Quality of Your Sleep

by Michael King July 07, 2024 15 min read

Solutions for Better Sleep, Reduced Snoring, and Less Getting Up in the Middle of the Night

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Life Chats: True Freedom Defined

by Michael King July 04, 2024 12 min read

The Autonomy of Every Soul and the Future New Era Lifestyle that Ultimately Replaces the Current System

Today's chat focuses on current events surrounding the destruction of historical icons, the supportive roles of light and dark path souls, and what it really means to be free as an autonomous soul. 

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Heads Up! Independence Special begins on Monday, July 1st.

by Michael King June 29, 2024 1 min read

Notice of Independence

Vitality Herbs & Clay operates as a private company, so as to protect your right to your own freewill choice of health remedies and the sharing of knowledge. 

Your participation within our site is protected by the Common Law right to privacy and freewill choice, governed by the Laws of Nature under the Prime Creator, the Original Source of All, and no other.

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Life Chats: Disclosure, Weather Changes, Geological Shifts, and Choices That Will Alter Our Destiny

by Michael King June 23, 2024 20 min read

"No one will remain untouched or unaffected by the impact these revelations will have on them. It will be impossible to return to “life as usual” ever again."

Today's chat focuses on the upcoming disclosures, earth changes, weather effects, inevitable changes in the social order, and the choices we all will make in the near future that will impact our future generations. 

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Q&A: What Everyone Ought to Know About Digestive Enzymes, HCL, and Bile Supplements

by Michael King June 22, 2024 22 min read

Causes and Solutions for Digestive Discomfort

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The 6 Most Important Ways to Build Peak Digestive Powers

by Michael King June 13, 2024 18 min read

Plus a Little Known Secret to True Health and Happiness!


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Adrenal Glands and Their Role in Reversing Hormone Imbalances, Menopause, and Andropause.

by Michael King June 02, 2024 19 min read

How to Improve Sleep, Reduce Allergies, and Balance Hormones Naturally

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8 Ways to Apply Clay to the Skin

by Michael King May 28, 2024 5 min read

Clay Baths, Foot Baths, Clay Packs, Body Wraps, Facials, All Night Foot Packs, as a Deodorant and as a Shampoo.

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Improve Sugar Assimilation With These Common Herbs and Spices

by Michael King May 27, 2024 3 min read

How to improve your chances of chances of surviving sugar-laden holiday celebrations in good health!

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The “Summer of Change” — 75+ Prophecies for 2024

by Michael King May 22, 2024 22 min read

A Year of Transformation, Revelation, Transition, Dissolution, Prosperity, and the Joining Together of Bright Souls Who Are Here to Usher In the New Earth!   
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How to Reverse the Damaging Effects of Immunization & Flu Shots: A Three-Prong Approach to Heavy Metal Detox and the Restoration of Health

by Michael King May 21, 2024 11 min read

A strong immune system is more powerful at improving health, reversing sickness, and protecting the body from invasive influences, than any pharmaceutical cocktail of dead viruses, heavy metals, and petroleum based chemicals, could ever be!

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Ormalite Clay Opens the Heart & Nourishes the Soul

by Michael King May 02, 2024 7 min read

A Remarkable Gift From Nature

The initial experience from taking Ormalite begins with a calm, centered, energizing effect that flowers into a more open-hearted, gentle sense of well-being.

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How to Transform Fear and Anger, Regain Your Power, and Speak Truth in the Moment with Love

by Michael King April 22, 2024 23 min read

Any human being, young or old, can inspire and successfully affect an improvement in the world – without leaving home.

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Solar Eclipse—Its Significance and How to Use It To Transform Your Life!

by Michael King April 06, 2024 10 min read

A Private Consultation Transcript on the April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse

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The Blessing Transformation

by Michael King April 05, 2024 4 min read

How to Heal Your Life and Change the World
(producing personal results within minutes)

The Gentle Art of Self-Healing

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How Clays are Formed in Nature Giving Them Exceptional Detoxifying Powers

by Michael King March 04, 2024 6 min read

What is the Difference Between Rock Mineral and Clay Mineral Powders?

In order to understand the action of clay in and on the body, it is important to first understand how Nature forms clay in the first place, giving true clays different properties compared to the rock materials they are derived from.  

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Detox Baths, Body Slurries, Facials, and Clay Packs with Sacred Clay & Black Beauty

by Michael King February 28, 2024 11 min read

How to use these two
precious gifts from Nature!

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A Heavy Metal Cleansing Program Following Dental Filling Removal

by Michael King February 05, 2024 6 min read

Even if you went to a conscious dentist, cleansing heavy metal vapors from your system is essential to preserving long-term health 

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12 Key Points to Remember When Trying to Detox from Heavy Metals and Mineral Excesses

by Michael King January 31, 2024 8 min read

Let the Natural Balance of Whole Earthen Resources Do the Work For You! 

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7 Foundational Principles for Achieving Optimal Health and Vitality

by Michael King January 25, 2024 22 min read

Natural Wisdom & Real World Answers

(Video & Transcript)

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Seven Ways to Improve Thyroid Function (without HRT)

by Michael King January 03, 2024 8 min read

Earth-Based Nutrition and a Common Sense Approach that Restores Normal Thyroid Production

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6 Best Ways to Increase Vitamin D Levels During the Winter

by Michael King November 15, 2023 10 min read

Get Vitamin D naturally without taking the supplemental form! 

A functioning liver can store several months of sunshine and plant-based Vitamin D for wintertime use.

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Comparison of Our Mineral Products and Their Primary Uses

by Michael King November 05, 2023 8 min read

Over the years, several valuable mineral sources came our way. With time and experience we discovered just how they were best used to create a synergy of benefits.

With so many mineral products, some of which have similar ingredients, the question is often asked "When is one product used over another?", and rightfully so.

The following information is an attempt to answer this question.

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