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Vitality Herbs & Clay Wholesale & Affiliate Policy

We appreciate your interest in our products and "whole earthen" philosophy on health.

Please review a downloadable copy of our Catalog as posted on our website.

Then to view products listed by System Category, which helps to organize their usage, go to Products Organized by the Body System Each One Serves:

We have Wholesale Discounts for those that stock and resell (or have us Drop Ship to your client), and an Affiliate Program for those that refer clients to us directly. Often both programs are used concurrently by our Wholesale Clients. 

Advance Purchase Option is available (minimum $1,000 Advance Purchase) which locks in a 35% Discount on all orders Drop Shipped to either yourself or your client. A $5 Drop Ship charge applies to each order shipped with an Advance Purchase whether to yourself or a client, to cover the multiple invoices and packaging requirements. 

Private Labeling of our products is also an option as spelled out below.

Here is how our Wholesale & Affiliate Programs work:

Wholesale Program

The primary qualification is that you have a client base and are in business to stock products and resell them, or to develop nutritional programs for clients and have us drop ship to them (or both).

The purpose for this policy is to support professionals that are well versed in our products and can competently advise their own clients with regard to the complex nature of each product and their many applications. 

Due to this complexity we do not give Wholesale Rates to every licensed practitioner.

Personal use of our products by the practitioner, thereby gaining a sound knowledge of each one's therapeutic action, is important.

Having an active client base is also important.

We offer the Affiliate Program for practitioners who do not at this point feel prepared to build health protocols for their own clients with our products. 

Until a practitioner is convinced our products will work for his or her clients in a complementary fashion with the practitioner's own protocols, we recommend the practitioners purchase our products Retail, test the waters, and demonstrate their effectiveness before recommending the products to their clients.  

The Vitality Herbs & Clay Staff is happy to spend time with practitioners to educate them on the purposes and usage of each product in our inventory. Feel free to stay in contact with us as questions arise.

Affiliate Credits for Wholesale Clients Who Refer Their Clients to Us 

If you are not stocking our products or building client orders yourself, but do want to refer clients to us directly, we suggest informing your clients to mention your name or business when you refer them to us. This will help us to connect the dots between you and them. 

You may also keep track of those you refer to us and send us those names so we can add them to your list of clients for Affiliate Credits on future orders by any on your list.

We will then discuss their health concerns and help them build a nutritional program. When they purchase you will receive an Affiliate Credit up to 5% off the Retail Value toward your future orders. 

Discounts are based on each individual Company Order or Drop Ship Order. (See below.)

Each Drop Ship Order sent to your clients and Wholesale Orders sent to you are all treated as separate orders and must qualify for discounts individually (unless you do the Advance Purchase Option, below).

The Wholesale Program has a multi-tier approach based on the Retail Total of each individual order. Discounts are deducted off of published Retail Prices (subject to change without notice) and works in tandem with our Affiliate Credit Program (see below) for your clients that order from us directly:

Discounts Per Wholesale or Drop Ship Order

Wholesale Orders are discounted according to the following schedule: 

     $1 to $499 Retail Order—receives a 25% discount off Retail Price

     a $500 to $999 Retail Order—30% discount off Retail Price       

     a $1,000 or more Retail Order—35% discount off Retail Price 

These discounts will now be standard regardless of whether payments are made via check or credit card.

Call us to inquire about large order pallet pricing.

Any group of products may be combined to arrive at the Volume Discount Rates.

Advance Purchase Option for Drop Ship Purposes 

Make an advance payment of a minimum of $1,000 and lock in a 35% Discount Rate on orders to yourself and all Drop Ship orders to your clients (plus the standard $5.00 per Drop Ship charge to cover separate order costs and packaging whether delivered to yourself or a client).   

If desired, large bulk orders may be purchased and repackaged with your own Private Label (see below for more details). 

Pallet Sized Orders are more heavily discounted and will go out at a quoted price plus freight charges.

The following Shipping Policy will apply for each individual Wholesale Order or Drop Ship Order.

Discount rates are not calculated based on cumulative orders over a period of time. Each order will qualify for Discounts based on the volume of that order.  

Wholesale Shipping Policy

Shipping will be added to all Wholesale Orders.

Stock and Drop Ship—Two ways you can go to retain the Wholesale Discount:
  1. Stock a complement of products and deliver the orders to your clients yourself.

  2. Call us with a Drop Ship Order to be sent directly to your client. We will then bill you for the order plus shipping at the Wholesale Discount Rate. You will then bill your client. 

We will Drop Ship the order to your client with only a generic Packing Slip enclosed. (Note: Due to the accounting complications involved, we cannot use your client's credit cards to pay for your Wholesale Purchases.)

Affiliate Program

If you refer a client to us directly, and we spend the time to provide them with detailed instructions in a health consultation, take their order, package and deliver it, then the order is treated as a normal Affiliate Order.

We give you up to 5% Affiliate Credit taken off of your Retail total before discounts is applied toward your future orders made within 1 year of the client's purchase. 

Affiliate Credits are good for the life of your client’s purchases, providing the referring Affiliate is also active with at least one product order within the year following the client's order.

Affiliate Credits, in effect, further reduce the cost of your future Retail or Wholesale Orders, thereby widening your discounts.

We do not pay out Affiliate Credits as cash, only as credits toward future purchases of our products. The purpose of this policy is that we have observed that the avid and knowledgeable users of our products tend to produce more in Affiliate Credits and derive the most benefits from this Affiliate Program due to their working knowledge of our products. 

We have also observed with other herbal companies, that those that intend to promote the products for cash reasons only, without a solid experience with the products, are more likely to exaggerate claims. 

We do not allow straight marketing-only methods of promoting our products. (like posting our products on Amazon or other product-only websites) due to the lack of one-on-one education.  Our product line is complicated, thus recommendations need to come from an intimate knowledge of how and why they work. 

We prefer a more responsible approach in the referral of our products. Yet, even the less avid users of our products will receive Affiliate Credits toward a future order.  

Inactive accounts and Affiliate Credits may be deleted within 1 year of no purchase activity following the last Affiliate Credit to your account. 

Affiliate Credits can be used to expand your use and experience with our products at low or no cost to you.

It is OK to start small and gain a working knowledge of the products benefits over time. Please keep recommendations to only those products that you are using and believe in. We will gladly fill in additional details from our own experiences when your client calls us.

Affiliate Credits from clients are good for life, unless the Affiliate has not been an active purchaser of our products for a period of 1 year or more following the client purchase. 

Affiliate credits cannot be used to pay for shipping. Shipping charges will paid for by the Affiliate.

Affiliate Credits Changed from One Affiliate to Another

In most instances, your affiliates will remain yours for life. In a few instances a second person will be more instrumental in convincing the customer to buy, say, a few months or a year after they became your affiliate.

A judgement call is made in those instances based on who provided the most influence regarding their most recent purchase. At times like this Affiliates can change.

We will attempt to be as fair as possible to the limit of our knowledge, although we reserve the right to make changes as necessary and simplify our bookkeeping as much as possible in complicated circumstances.

Internet Sales and Marketing Policy

As a re-seller of our products, you may carry and advertise them in your business as well as on your business website. 

Please note, however, that we do not accommodate a strictly marketing approach to internet sales.  Comprehensive and knowledgeable customer support is required to ensure appropriate use of the products by your clientele.  

Advertising on marketing websites such as Amazon, E-Bay, Monster Marketplace or any internet sales approach other than your own business website will result in termination of your Wholesale account.

The many questions that clients ask need to be answered by a professional knowledgeable of the product usage and purpose in relation to building physical health.  

If you are a hands-on professional and prefer Amazon or another Reseller, and can manage detailed health questions from your clients, then we will approve you working with the larger Reseller outlets.

Referring Clients Back to You for Product

If a client in your neighborhood asks us for a more local source for our products (assuming you are also stocking our products), we send them to you.

It is understood in advance that we may receive direct calls or internet orders from some of your clients. In some cases we will not be aware of the connection. In other cases the client will make it known, or one of your former drop shipments will provide us with their info.

If one of your current clients call us directly, we attempt to send them back to you (providing you are stocking the products they are asking about), or, if it is normal for you to write up drop shipments, so you can work up a drop shipment on that client. If it is clear they are asking for more than what you stock, we will take the order and give you Affiliate Credit up to 5%.

Due to the customer service load of our current business, we prefer to educate you, as the Wholesale Client, regarding the use of our products and health-building protocols, and then leave the consultations to your clients up to you.

However, if it is clear that referring the client back to you would present unpleasant complications or delays for your client, or we realize you may not be able to answer their questions without a conversation with us first, rather than delay their interest, we will consult with them, work up their order, and give you an Affiliate Credit up to 5%.

If one of your clients orders off our website, their card is charged during checkout, so changes or sending a client back to you are not possible, except in aftermath. Affiliate credits will be tabulated on your account (providing the Affiliate connection is known, or becomes known in the future).

You may also want to consider offering your clients one of our standard free samples, like Ormalite, or a Bath Packet, if they call us direct or order online and mention your name. International orders are typically sent Ormalite due to the fact that it is light weight and will not impact the cost of shipping. This offer will insure that the connection is made back to you.

Call and ask about further details on this if it is of interest.

For simplicity sake, we reserve the right to make on-the-spot decisions based on what appears to be in everyone's best interest according to our knowledge at the time.

Referral Box During Checkout

We have an input box, “How did you hear about us?” that shows up during checkout that asks the client where they heard about us. If they mention you or your clinic we will list them in our database as your Affiliate. If they call us directly and mention your name or clinic they will be listed as your Affiliate as well. 

Private Labeling of the products you choose to stock is an option (see below), which will reduce this unavoidable possibility.

Private Labeling & International Labeling

Private Labeling is possible with a few options:

  1. Change of Contact Info Only: Private Label by adding only your contact info at the bottom of each label (in place of ours). Our logo and product name remains the same as our current line. No other graphics are required. Cost: A one time Private Label Set Up Fee of $5 per product name and per product size.

  2. Change of Contact Info, Company Logo, and Optional Product Name: Graphic Design Fee of $35 per hour.

International Labeling: To comply with labeling requirements of each country, we will configure your labels to match those requirements at the Graphic Design Fee rate. 

It is important to locate and identify the labeling rules of your country and pass those on to us. 

If you have special labeling requirements for your company call us for a quote to prepackage your product orders with your modified labels.

Formula Upgrades

We will often make an upgrade to a formula. It is our preference to provide the best of the best that Nature has to offer, so changes are made based on customer feedback, the discovery of new herbs or procedures, or procurement availability. 

We will monitor the label changes and periodically inform you of updates. Any published info on your site would have to be updated as well. 

It is also recommended to re-verify formulas that you have published your own information on, with our website from time to time to identify changes in formulation or recommended servings.

Special Formulations

Special Formulations are possible with minimum order of that line of $1,000 or more at the Wholesale Rate. Special Formula Collaboration with Michael King during the design process is also available, billable at $200/hour.

Feel free to contact us directly with specific questions or situations,

All the best of health and success,

Michael King & Staff at
Vitality Herbs & Clay, LLC
496 Applegate Way, Ashland, OR 97520
541-482-9633 or 9635
