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Private Consultation Complementary Info

Private Consultation Complementary Info

Below are the 6 Supportive Links related to the Cleanse & Revitalize System

The purpose of the following 6 Supportive Links is so you can understand the most important aspects of creating (or recreating) health, energy, memory, quality sleep, and peak performance doing whatever it is that you love to do most!

Save the link to this page so you will always have access to it in the future as updates will take place periodically. 

Here are your 6 Supportive Links:

1) The Truth About Building Physical Health article (and Disclaimer) explains our philosophy and the most direct ways to optimize your health. 

Click here to access:
The Truth About Building Physical Health


2) Year Round Cleanse & Revitalize System Guide outlines our basic approach to building overall health through solid cellular nourishment from superfoods coupled with the revitalization of body systems via herbal specifics. Select any of the System Builder Formulas suited to your needs and add them to the Foundational Cornerstones of our overall health program (clay & minerals, superfood herbs, clay baths).  

Click here to access:
The Year Round Cleanse & Revitalize System Guide


3) "OK, So What Foods CAN I Eat?"provides a list of Food Combining Rules and Foods You Can Eat (With Some Discretion). Assists in the selection of foods that combine well within each meal. 

Click here to access:
"OK, So What Foods CAN I Eat?"


4) Recipes for a Healthier Lifestyle provides a few initial suggestions for how to create recipes within the guidelines of the Basic Food Combining Rules. Can be adapted or expanded upon to suit your preferences, providing you keep an eye on the Basic Food Combining Rules.

Click here to access:
Recipes for a Healthier Lifestyle PDF


5) The Products Organized by the Body System Each One Serveshas links to each of the products in our catalog for ease of search, and to understand which body systems are benefited the most by each product. 

Click here to access:
Products Organized by the Body System Each One Serves


6) The Vitality Herbs & Clay Catalog of Products PDF is provided for easy reference to the full line of our most popular products. The latest Catalog update can be downloaded to your computer or printed by clicking the below link. 

Click here to access:
The Vitality Herbs & Clay Product Catalog PDF


Feel free to call the office if questions arise.

541-482-9633;    888-325-1475

or email us through our Contact Us page.

Enjoy the best of health!

Vitality Herbs & Clay Staff