by Michael King
Web Audio: Click on the title below to listen to the recording of the conference call, or right clickthe link, then click "Save link as", to save the MP3 file to your computer:
CC Audio-How to Protect Your Water, Food and Garden from Radiation Exposure
Radiation is a Heavy Metal
Any substance known to detoxify heavy metals will also detoxify radiation. Clay is one of Nature’s most abundant resources and one of Nature’s most effective resources for protection from radiation exposure.
Due to the exceptionally small particle size and negative charge of Sacred Clay, radiation and other heavy metals are readily absorbed and modified.
How to Protect Your Water
1. Drinking/Cooking Water – add ¼ tsp. or more of Sacred Clay to each glass or pot of water (also removes unwanted chemicals as well).
2. Bath Water ─ add ½ cup or more of Sacred Clay to each tub of water (also removes unwanted chemicals).
How to Protect Your Food
1. Add 1/8th cup or more of Sacred Clay to a sink or basin full of water.
2. Soak your meat or veggies for 5 minutes or more.
How to Protect Your Garden Produce with Silica Rich and Liquid Gold
1. Mix Silica Rich Clay into the soil’s first 6” or more and into your compost piles and worm bins.
2. Broadcast Silica Rich onto the surface of your garden soil at the rate of 1 tablespoon or more per square foot.
3. Be sure Silica Rich and (ormus-bearing) Liquid Gold are in the potting soil or garden bed just prior to or just after seeding, so as the seeds germinate, the plant DNA will have already been improved and strengthened.
4. The protection of the clay and the DNA enhancement from the Liquid Gold allow the plant to better withstand the potential genetic mutations from excess radiation.
5. As the plants grow, and as the fruit trees bud, flower and fruit, spray the plant every 1-3 weeks with Liquid Gold. This absorbs radiation from the foliage and produce. Liquid Gold also enhances the strength of the plant, improves bud set and improves crop nutrition and yields.
6. Whey adds beneficial microbes and radiation-protective properties to your fields and gardens (as well as to your own body when consumed). Add a minimum of 2 gallons/acre (or per garden) of raw milk or raw milk whey to your garden soil and lesser amounts to your compost/worm bins.
7. Note: Cover your compost with additional soil to keep the natural fungi (activated by the whey) underground. This also keeps the smell down and prevents gnats from propagating. Worms love a top dressing of moist soil over their food!
8. Seaweeds also protect the soil, your plants and your body from the effects of radiation. Add liquid or granular kelp, Acacia Seaweed (or any fresh harvested seaweed directly from the ocean) to your garden soil, compost and worm bins (again keep covered with additional soil).
For a closer look at the power of Silica Rich and Liquid Gold to affect the health and yields of your garden produce check out our 2007, 2008, 2009 & 2010 Garden Experiment posts and photos:
FARM & GARDEN Section of Vitality Herbs & Clay
Many blessings of health & success,
Enjoy these remarkable gifts from Nature!
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