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Life Chats: True Freedom Defined

by Michael King July 04, 2024 12 min read

The Autonomy of Every Soul and the Future New Era Lifestyle that Ultimately Replaces the Current System

Today's chat focuses on current events surrounding the destruction of historical icons, the supportive roles of light and dark path souls, and what it really means to be free as an autonomous soul. 

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Life Chats: Disclosure, Weather Changes, Geological Shifts, and Choices That Will Alter Our Destiny

by Michael King June 23, 2024 20 min read

"No one will remain untouched or unaffected by the impact these revelations will have on them. It will be impossible to return to “life as usual” ever again."

Today's chat focuses on the upcoming disclosures, earth changes, weather effects, inevitable changes in the social order, and the choices we all will make in the near future that will impact our future generations. 

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The “Summer of Change” — 75+ Prophecies for 2024

by Michael King May 22, 2024 22 min read

A Year of Transformation, Revelation, Transition, Dissolution, Prosperity, and the Joining Together of Bright Souls Who Are Here to Usher In the New Earth!   
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Ormalite Clay Opens the Heart & Nourishes the Soul

by Michael King May 02, 2024 7 min read

A Remarkable Gift From Nature

The initial experience from taking Ormalite begins with a calm, centered, energizing effect that flowers into a more open-hearted, gentle sense of well-being.

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Solar Eclipse—Its Significance and How to Use It To Transform Your Life!

by Michael King April 06, 2024 10 min read

A Private Consultation Transcript on the April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse

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The Perilous Future of Humanity and the Dawning of the Great Upliftment eBook by Michael King

The Perilous Future of Humanity and the Dawning of the Great Upliftment eBook

by Michael King August 21, 2023 2 min read

Urgent Actions Required! 

Grasp Pivotal Revelations Crucial to the Restoration of Humanity and the Earth and What You Can Do to Improve the Outcome

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Life Chats: What Does Ascension Really Mean in Practical Terms?

by Michael King December 31, 2022 6 min read

Today's Life Chat focuses on the practical aspects of ascension, how it takes place, and what we each must “see’ in order to qualify for the experience.

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Life Chats: How the World Will Begin to Change Over the Next Three Weeks

by Michael King December 21, 2022 5 min read

“Then you will see a momentum build across the planet that will consume the people like a fire – a fire of inspiration, correction, and restoration.”

Today's Life Chat focuses on upcoming events that will inspire new hope and a movement to restore the Earth. This message reveals how each one of us has a role to play in deciding the outcome of our collective future.

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Life Chats: "Difficult Paths Sometimes Mean Great Evolution Is Taking Place"

by Michael King November 23, 2022 3 min read

Today’s Life Chat focuses on a brief conversation with an old friend that has joined humanity at this time of great transformation to help insure we are successful in our efforts to end the destruction of Earth and restore both the planet and humanity to our true purpose of evolution and ultimate ascension. 
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Life Chats: The Gegenschein – Heralding a Shift Toward Freedom and Massive Change

by Michael King April 27, 2022 9 min read

"We are entering a new season of human development, one that requires an upgrade to the consciousness of an individual to continue to participate."

Today’s Life Chat focuses on a recent shift upward in a pervading planetary influence that enhances our capacity to see and feel what isn't spoken. The hidden is innately being revealed to everyone simultaneously. The positive timeline is now secure.

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Life Chats: How to Navigate the Changes of the Coming Year As We Reshape the World We live In Today

by Michael King December 29, 2021 14 min read

What will you do to reunite family and friends where disunity has separated you from your former loving interactions? 

Today’s Life Chat focuses on an advanced perspective of the plight of humanity on earth, and the importance of our personal input in resolving the conflicts we face, both personally and globally.

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Life Chats: The Current Dissolution and Re-creation of Society. Options Abound.

by Michael King August 15, 2021 7 min read

Like new clay on the potter’s wheel, we will design our new global society as the old one crumbles away

The disintegration of our former way of life is now inevitable. Those who remain on the Earth will bear the responsibility to lay the foundation for the New Era world.

Today’s Life Chat focuses on an additional option to contemplate as we design our new social order – the option to co-create with civilizations within and beyond the Earth.


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Life Chats: Questions About Q

by Michael King March 02, 2021 12 min read

How Much Stock Should We Really Place in the Q Phenomenon?

Today’s Life Chat focuses on the origins and agendas of the Q Team and why the swamp has not yet been drained. The definition of a self-responsible society emerges from the discussion.

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The Most Central Perspective That Determines Our Future On Earth

by Michael King February 11, 2021 6 min read

We Have Every Reason to Question the Institutions That Educate Us, Scrutinize Their Leaders, and Reevaluate How We Care for Our Children 

Today’s Life Chat focuses on the one central tenet around which earth events pivot, as well as the impact that the care of a child has on the future of our society.

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Life Chats: Recent Events, the Near Future, and the Power of Human Intent to Change the Outcome

by Michael King February 07, 2021 8 min read

Also, Will We Finally Rejoin With Our Star Families Both Above and Within the Earth? 

Today’s Life Chat focuses on the potential of cataclysmic events in the near future and what humanity can do today to shift the timeline in our favor sooner.

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Life Chats: On the Cusp of Change – Our True History and Humanity's Choice

by Michael King January 19, 2021 9 min read

Disclosure of Our True History Is Central to Our Freedom

Today's chat focuses on the urgent state of affairs surrounding a world-wide threat against our freedoms as one people, the people of earth. 

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Life Chats: The Secret to Exiting the Matrix

by Michael King December 21, 2020 10 min read

A Conversation With Solar Self on the Dec. 21, 2020 Solstice

Today's chat focuses on exiting the game early vs. staying in the game to the end, and explains how to free yourself from the enslavement hooks of matrix life.

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Life Chats: Election Integrity, Disclosure, and the Shift From Chaos to Unity

by Michael King November 19, 2020 14 min read

Truth & Freedom – How this election is paving the way for open disclosure and the first steps into New Era living.

Today's chat focuses on election integrity, the solution to chaos, and what must take place first before we can cross the threshold into the New Era lifestyle.

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Life Chats: Choose Your Future 3: How to Identify Your Most Desirable Future Timeline

by Michael King November 09, 2020 15 min read

How Timelines Are Modified and Dreams Are Made Real: Part 3

Identifying Future Possibilities That Match Personal Goals

Today's chat focuses on a specific process through which you can compare alternative future paths side by side and decide which one feels to be the best for you. Selecting your personal best path forward is your unique contribution to improving the world in which we live.   

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Life Chats: Choose Your Future 2: The Character of Love and Important Prerequisites for Successful Timeline Modifications

by Michael King September 28, 2020 28 min read

How Timelines are Modified and Dreams Are Made Real: Part 2

How Do We Change the Future?

Today's chat focuses on how to identify the best potential from among several future possibilities, and even improve on that possibility over the course of time.

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Life Chats: Choose Your Future 1: Can We Really Make a Difference? Here's How It's Done

by Michael King September 13, 2020 23 min read

How Timelines are Modified and Dreams Are Made Real: Part 1

Chaos, Fires, the Dissolution of the Current Control Structure, and Transition Requirements to Enter the New Era

Today's chat focuses on the challenges we are facing today and what it will take to make the inevitable transition to the New Era world.   

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Life Chats: Change Is In The Wind. Battle for Control Over the Human Mind is Heating Up.

by Michael King July 23, 2020 13 min read

Mass Exodus From Big Cities Ahead, the Breakup of America, Chaos That Triggers Awakening, Cooperative Systems Replace Control Systems, and the Nature of Truth That Sets Us Free

Today's chat focuses on a few of the significant changes our world is on the verge of experiencing and how to navigate these changes with a new perspective on how and why they are ultimately working toward our global best interest. 

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Life Chats: The Turning Point for Humanity Is Upon Us

by Michael King May 23, 2020 15 min read

Our Moment of Decision

Today's chat focuses on the crossroads facing us, and how the decision humanity makes in the next few days and weeks will set the stage for how events unfold over the next two years of societal transformation.

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Life Chats: The Dissolution of Society As We Know It. Questions, Answers, and Solutions.

by Michael King April 12, 2020 19 min read

So, What Can We Do Now at This Late Stage to Turn This Around?

Today's chat focuses on the obvious life-altering effects of this planned event, how it is setting the stage for a transition into New Era lifestyles, and what you can do now to prepare for the inevitable changes.

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