Today’s Life Chat focuses on how to seek and receive answers to your heartfelt questions from the “Highest Source”, and notice when the answers have arrived.
Michael: I am posing this question directly to the Source of All Life. After thousands of direct communications with other members of this grand universe over the last 40 years, there are times when I feel at a loss as to who is best to speak with to gather the answers that I seek, whether my Oversoul, members of my personal council, or other beings I have met along the way during inner journeys to other worlds or realms.
Over the years, I have come to realize that these beings all have purposes, daily lives, families, and schedules of their own, having interrupted some in the middle of their business meetings, meditations, sleep schedules, social events, or travels, and at times, even during one of their serious life crises. Every soul has its own life activities and limitations, similar to the rest of us.
My issues often seem so small in comparison, yet the insights they provide are so valuable and helpful, that I feel compelled to continue to seek their advice.
They are all so kind and generous with their time, yet, I feel hesitant to direct many of my daily personal questions to those other than my Oversoul.
Yet, I have discovered that my Oversoul does not have all of the answers that I seek when it comes to specific details—for example, when questions related to current events on Earth or decisions made by the Universal Council of Origins, I have been referred by my Oversoul to go to the related councils myself to get my answers.
Is it possible to just get all of our answers from You, the “Ultimate Source of All Life within our being” (which some prefer to simply call “God”), and dispense with this hunt for the ideal contact?
How close to the true Ultimate Prime Source/God is it possible for humans to reach, in our current limited state—and when “speaking to God”, what is done in terms of translation or transduction to convey such answers in a manner that can be comprehended by our limited minds?
(The answer to these questions surfaced in my conscious mind as an awareness, a clarity, and a knowing, characteristically absent of the word “I’ in reference to itself. I did not make any effort to personalize the message, as it did not come in words and sentences, it was simply a series of insights, awarenesses, and clarity that had to be translated into words. Make of that what you will. I believe the full answer below reveals the reasons why.)
Inspired awareness “from Source” in answer to these questions: Within every being is a connection to the deepest regions of each one’s consciousness going back to the origin of their own existence as a soul. From there, other options await them in which to explore realms of origin beyond their comprehension or capability to relate.
Within every being is this connection to the Ultimate, given that each being has been derived from the same.
Yet, it does not serve a soul to process through technical levels and conscious resonance to attune to the highest vibration of the “one original and ultimate Source of All”, just to get a simple answer to how to transact one’s daily affairs and concerns.
The presence of Source pervades all existence and is available to everyone—through everyone and everything else—given that everyone’s common heritage and origin has been derived from the One Origin of All Life.
Therefore, the matter of answering questions is determined by resonance, acceptance, and love that selects a pathway that best promotes each one’s evolution as a soul.
If a soul, now embedded with the conscious state of a physical body, had to evolve to the highest level in order to exclusively tap the “Highest Source”, then no communication would be received until the mindset of that soul was able to welcome and comprehend such “high” answers.
So resonance from the soul asking the question becomes a determining factor as to from what part, and what vibrational level, of God/Source will the answer best be able to be comprehended and utilized by the seeker.
Do not think that an answer cannot bear the inspired quality of a direct answer from the “Ultimate Source” if it fails to come in an audible voice like a prophetic utterance. Your answer could come from your Sunday school teacher, or a comment made by the checkout girl at the local grocery store, or noticing the unexpected presence of a crow or an eagle, a sequence of numbers, the beauty of a sunset, or a deeply felt sense of peace inside.
If your capacity to receive is better served by more tangible, everyday avenues of inspired insight, and the delivered message serves its purpose of answering your heartfelt question, then the Love of Source has met you where you are and satisfied your request.
There is no limit to the form or “source” from which answers can come, for Love would not withhold its Truth until such time that you have achieved the “highest vibration” and are finally able to commune with Ultimate Source at such elevated frequencies that are only attainable when out of sync with the physical body currently being inhabited by the soul that is questioning.
Answers are readily available to any and all who seek them, and they will arrive in the most expedient manner necessary to reach the questioner’s receptivity, acceptance, and capability.
The entirety of “Source” is at your disposal from which to gather such insights, and the avenues are not limited to just the most intangible aspect of Source Mind. All tangible and intangible reality is available to Source through which to answer the sincere, believing request of the innocent seeker of truth.
So, if you are focused on an answer from “Source/God, the Ultimate”, do not be surprised when Love directs the answer through every tangible and intangible avenue accessible to you, and repeated in a multitude of ways, so the desired level of comprehension of the answer is available to you in many forms to be received as you see fit.
If you seek to receive an answer directly from Source/God, pose your question to the entirety of the One Source of All, then simply make yourself an attentive, receptive vessel, confident in the answer’s arrival, then step back with the joy of expectant curiosity.
Watch, listen, observe, and notice the signs, inspirations, symbols, experiences, or written and spoken materials that begin to reflect the answer that you seek for your absorption and consideration.
Then choose your own answer from all that you have observed.
The Source of All Life is integrated within all life, so a question posed to Source/God will be answered through all avenues available to you, and in as much detail, and on as many levels as you can absorb at the time, including a respected friend or special soul, visible or invisible to you, that you feel inspired to spend some focused time with.
To be continued...
Go to Life Chats with Oversoul article section to read prior messages.
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