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15 Benefits of High Cholesterol Levels

September 22, 2024 7 min read

Including Increased Longevity, A Healthier Heart, Better Memory, a Stronger Immune System, Less Inflammation, and Higher Levels of Vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Numerous studies have been performed designed to determine the true causes of cholesterol buildup and what are the ideal ranges for the various associated lipids.

The following is a bullet point summary of several of these studies making note of the key findings and contributing factors. 

Cholesterol Demythed

1.  People with high cholesterol levels tend to live the longest.

2.  Almost all studies have found that high cholesterol is not a risk factor for women.

3.  A study published by four Japanese researchers, Hamazaki, Okuyama, Ogushi, and Hama in 2015 made these surprising discoveries:

"The relationship between all-cause mortality and serum cholesterol levels in Japan is a very interesting one: mortality actually goes down with higher total or low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels, as reported by most Japanese epidemiological studies of the general population."

"Cholesterol levels also have some association with cancer, infection, and liver disease: subjects with high cholesterol levels have lower incidence and mortality rates from these diseases. With regard to liver disease specifically, if cholesterol levels are high enough, serious liver disease does not develop."

4.  Total cholesterol levels below 200 lead to emotional instability, low self-control, aggression, violence, suicide, gastrointestinal and respiratory conditions, (originally presented by Oxford Professor David Horrobin and later confirmed by Dr. Malcom Kendrick and other researchers).

5.  These same disastrous symptoms are common among users of cholesterol lowering statin drugs, which have also been associated with accelerated aging, increased risk of diabetes, memory loss, muscle weakness, shingles, decreased heart function, neurological problems, and over 300 other detrimental side effects

    6.  Total cholesterol levels of 200-300 are ideal if they also fall into proper ratio categories: 

    • LDL: HDL Ratio: 3:1 or less (2:1 is optimal) Triglycerides: HDL Ratio: 2:1 or less (1:1 is optimal) 

    • HDL: 55-80; Triglycerides: 40-80; Very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) 5-30 mg/dl; LDL: 100-200

    7.  Plaque buildup in the arteries (atherosclerosis) is not caused by naturally occurring fatty foods like coconut or olive oil, eggs, or raw dairy.  (Transfats, deep fried food, pasteurized dairy, seed oils, and processed foods, however, are another story.)

    Fatty plaque buildup in the arteries is caused, in part, by low levels of sunlight and Vitamin D.

    a. In the absence of Vitamin D, Macrophages (white blood cells) in the blood tend to overeat cholesterol, causing arteries to become clogged.

    b. They then become what scientists call "foam cells", which are one of the earliest markers of atherosclerosis (fatty plaque buildup).

    c. Higher levels of Vitamin D will inhibit the uptake of cholesterol by the macrophages, thereby reducing the fatty plaque buildup in the arteries.

    8.  The body considers cholesterol a desirable substance and therefore recycles about 50% of the cholesterol from bile fluids going through the small intestines to be reabsorbed into the bloodstream.

    a. Diet contributes only to 15% of total body cholesterol.  85% is manufactured by the body itself.

    b. Bitter herbs and the body's own pancreatic enzymes help the body maintain ideal cholesterol levels for all body functions that require it.

    Digestive Bitters

    Herbal C

    9.  Vascular walls can become weakened or brittle, and therefore susceptible to cracking and leakage if the body is deficient in the full spectrum of 70+ minerals required for optimal health.

    When veins leak, the body sends cholesterol to the site to plug the leak.

    Therefore cholesterol buildup may indicate a mineral imbalance from:

    a. taking mineral supplements that are not full spectrum earth-based mineral sources (like a calcium or magnesium supplement, or other isolated mineral)

    b. from consuming foods deficient in minerals due the lack of minerals in farm soils, or the use of chemical fertilizers and herbicides during the growing process (which inhibit mineral uptake by the plants)

    c. from consuming food and drink that deplete mineral reserves (coffee, sugars, energy drinks, chemical chelation therapy (use clay, humate, sea vegetables, etc instead), distilled water, etc.) 

    9.  There is also a definitive link between life stress and sudden heart attacks.

    As stress level rises, so do levels of white blood cells (indicating an immune system attack on stress-promoted pathogens).  Foam cells form which can then lead to plaque breakdown resulting in a blockage of blood supply to the heart (myocardial infarction).

    Stress is a normal part of life.  Stress can come from physical causes like not getting enough sleep or having an illness.  Another cause for stress can be emotional, like worrying about not having enough money or the death of a loved one.  Stress can also come from less dramatic causes, like everyday obligations and pressures that make you feel that you're not in control.

    Your body’s response to stress is supposed to protect you.  But if it's constant, it can harm you.  The hormone cortisol is released in response to stress.

    Studies suggest that the high levels of cortisol from long-term stress can increase blood cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, and blood pressure.  These are common risk factors for heart disease.  This stress can also cause changes that promote the buildup of plaque deposits in the arteries.

    10.  Stress hormones can also cause the spread of bacterial biofilms forming on the walls of your arteries, leading to the same result of plaque deposits to suddenly breaking loose, triggering a heart attack.

    11.  Over the years, both sugar and fat have been blamed for the rise in heart disease, yet the truth is more complicated than that: 

    • Sugar excesses, even from fruit (though more so from granulated and liquid sugars, being that they are concentrated sweeteners) feed bacteria, yeast, and fungus, and can damage cells resulting in dead cell debris (a more accurate definition of a "virus"), which can then trigger a normal immune system response in various parts of the body (referred to as "inflammation"). 

    • When sugar and fat are combined, as is the case in most desserts, some beverages (like dressed up coffee), and most all processed foods (frequently laced with transfats, various forms of sugar, and numerous artificial ingredients), the impact on the heart is amplified.  

    • Add side effects from medicines, like statins, and environmental toxins, coupled with the increased levels of life stresses common to most people today, and the risk of dysfunction within the heart and other organs has climbed in direct proportion to their consumption.

    Though, when a proper balance is struck between quality whole, unconcentrated sugars and quality unheated, unprocessed chemical free oils or fats, in proper proportion, and when observing wise food combining practices, high levels of health overall can be maintained.

    The key is "moderation" and "balance" of "whole, unconcentrated" sources of each, including those foods that contain quality cholesterol, like eggs, coconut oil, olive oil, olives, avocados, etc.

    15 Benefits of Cholesterol

    1.  Builds and maintains healthy cell membranes.

    2.  Improves cell signaling in support of T-cell, B-cell and other immune functions.

    3.  Builds the nerve protective myelin sheath, made of cholesterol, which provides insulation for more efficient conduction of nerve impulses to and from every organ, gland, and cell, including improved memory, mental focus, and overall brain function.

    4.  The liver converts cholesterol to bile which aides in the intestinal absorption of fats, as well as vitamin A, D, E & K (fat-soluble vitamins).

    5.  Cholesterol is a precursor molecule for the making of Vitamin D.

    6.  Cholesterol is a precursor molecule for the making of the steroid hormones cortisol and aldosterone.

    7.  Cholesterol is a precursor molecule for the making of sex hormones progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone, along with their derivatives, thereby contributing to emotional and physical balance.

    8.  Cholesterol may also act as an antioxidant.

    9. Dr. Willy Flegel and his co-workers at the Department of Transfusion Medicine, University of Ulm, and the Institute of Immunology and Genetics at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, Germany found that the cytokine-stimulating effect of endotoxin on the white blood cells disappeared almost completely if the endotoxin was mixed with human serum for 24 hours before they added the white blood cells to the test tubes. In a subsequent study, they found that purified LDL from patients with familial hypercholesterolemia had the same inhibitory effect as the serum. (Translation:  High LDL cholesterol leads to improved immune response.)

    10.  High cholesterol levels contribute to longevity.  A study by Dr. Harlan Krumholz of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Yale University, reported in 1994 that old people with high cholesterol levels died half as often from a heart attack as did old people with low cholesterol.

    11.  Almost all studies indicate that cholesterol levels are not a risk factor for women, especially in light of the importance of cholesterol's role in the production of hormones. 

    12.  The best way to clear excessive HDL cholesterol from the body (due to processed food, fast food, fried food, seed oils, etc.) is to take bitter herbs (Digestive Bitters) which improve bile production, laxativity, detoxification, and the reduction of unnecessary cholesterol and adipose tissues (cellulite). 

    13.  The best way to increase healthy cholesterol levels to appropriate levels of 200-300 Total Cholesterol is to consume quality whole foods containing fats, like avocado, olives, coconut, and a moderate amount of seeds and nuts (though an excess of nuts and seeds can lead to pathogen overgrowth, and chronic fatigue due to their high arginine content).

    14.  Moderate amounts of coconut oil, avocado oil, and olive oil are examples of quality oil concentrates that can be consumed safely (although an excess of these (beyond 2-4 tablespoons over a day) can also result in the problem of pathogen overgrowth coupled with sluggish circulation, especially when combined with a concentrated sweetener or fruit). 

    Small amounts of quality oils with starches are better tolerated than fats with fruits or concentrated sweeteners (like desserts).

    15.  There are important ratios to consider when analyzing cholesterol levels. Having a balanced ratio of LDL to HDL and triglycerides to HDL is essential for good health.

    • LDL: HDL Ratio: 3:1 or less (2:1 is optimal) Triglyceride: HDL Ratio: 2:1 or less (1:1 is optimal) 

    • Higher trigylceride and lower HDL levels are typically an indication of insulin resistance and high fasting insulin levels

    What is considered to be a normal, healthy Total Blood Cholesterol Level?

    Cholesterol levels between 200-300 mg/dl are considered normal and desirable providing they also fall within the healthful ratios mentioned above.

    For a more in-depth understanding, refer to:

    Cholesterol: What is It and What are Healthy Levels?


    "The Soft Science of Dietary Fats," by Gary Taubes, in the March 30, 2001 issue of Science,

    "The Oiling of America" by Enig and Fallon

    "The Cholesterol Myths" by Ravnskov

    "Higher Cholesterol is Associated With Longer Life" by Dr. Mercola 

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    Michael King
    Michael King

    Michael King is a Life Enrichment Consultant, a natural intuitive, a researcher of Nature's most powerful healing resources the world over, the author of "Detoxify, Nourish & Build – Three Essentials for Vibrant Health", the Vital Health News Updates – a periodic newsletter documenting the most life-building natural resources on the planet, The Blessing Transformation, and the co-author of Life Chats with Oversoul – an ongoing dialogue designed to gain clarity and direction while navigating the immense changes going into the New Era. Michael is also an advocate of sustainable gardening, environmental responsibility, and an architect of ways to increase global food production.

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