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Size Matters: The Sacred Clay Advantage in Detoxification

April 27, 2017 4 min read

Why Sacred Clay Provides Increased Detoxification Potential Relative to Other Clays

Bottom line is, the smaller the particle size of a clay, the more surface area is available for adsorption (like iron filings to a magnet) of radiation, metals, chemicals and other toxins.

Evidence of the properties of clays in general with regard to the adsorption of radioactive cesium (Cs) was observed in Japan near Fukushima in 2014. The study demonstrated that among soil samples taken, then later classified according to particle size, the smallest particle sizes adsorbed the highest amount of radioactive cesium.

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry

February 2015, Volume 303, Issue 2, pp 1485-1489

Date: 21 Sep 2014

Analysis of 134Cs and 137Cs [radioactive cesium] distribution in soil of Fukushima prefecture and their specific adsorption on clay minerals

A. Maekawa, N. Momoshima, S. Sugihara, R. Ohzawa, A. Nakama


We collected surface soil samples within 60 km from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants (FDNPP) and analyzed spatial and temporal radiocesium distributions. No large change in vertical distribution pattern of radiocesium has been observed on the samples collected in April 2011 and April 2012 at the same sampling points, suggesting strong adsorption of 134Cs and 137Cs on soil.

Cesium is known to be adsorbed specifically on clay minerals in soil. To confirm the specific adsorption of Cs on clay minerals in these samples, we divided the soil into different particle sizes and measured the activity in each size fraction. The activity was highest in the clay fraction (<2 μm) [microns] and tended to decrease as the particle size increases. [Color emphasis added.]

The study demonstrated two fundamental properties of clays in general:

1) Clay in soil is effective at adsorbing cesium radiation

2) The smaller the particle size of the clay, the more effective it is at adsorbing cesium radiation

For reference: 1 micron is 1 millionth of a meter.

Mathematically, as the particle size of a clay gets smaller the potential surface area for adsorption (like iron filings to a magnet) increases by a factor of 10 with each reduction in particle size of a factor of 10.

For example, a 10 micron cube (having a surface area of 600 square microns) holds 1,000 1 micron cubes (each with a surface area of 6 square microns) thus, 6,000 square microns total – an increase of 10 times the surface area of the larger cube.

Further breaking each 1 micron cube into 1,000 .1 micron cubes results in a combined surface area of 60,000 square microns – all from the same original 10 micron cube.


Common Particle Sizes of Various Clays

Montmorillonites can have naturally-occurring particle sizes of 1 to 250 microns, yet are typically screened to 44 microns (325 mesh) for human consumption. (Mesh sizes relate to holes per inch, thus 325 holes per inch.)

Other Bentonitesand other common clays will generally have micron sizes similar to the Montmorillonite or larger, unless micronized industrially.

Micronized liquid Zeolites have an average particle size of .5 microns or less. (Note: Taking a few drops of a micronized clay water is helpful, but does not provide nearly the greater benefits of taking a tablespoon or more of a powdered clay in water. Liquid drops can help clean up the bloodstream, yet have no effect on the bowels where the greater quantities of toxins reside before the toxins are delivered to the blood. Clay powders are needed to pass through the bowels in order to address this more toxic region of the body. Fine particle clays protect the intestinal villa (responsible for delivering nutrients to the blood) by bonding with toxins, preventing them from entering the blood stream.)

Milled Zeolite powders commonly range from less than 1 micron to 20 microns in particle size), yet the honeycomb structure of a Zeolite is typically only .3 to .7 nanometers in diameter, slightly larger than a water molecule, thereby excluding larger toxins that attempt to adhere to the inner surfaces of the honeycomb structure. Some external adhesion may be possible, yet this potential is minimized by the lack of adhesive surface area over the honeycomb structure openings.

Sacred Clay, currently being processed through our own facility, does not use a milling approach to extract the pure clay particles made by Nature. We utilize a water separation method which leaves behind the sand and rock, capturing the fine clay particles. Geological analysis reveals a significant percentage of the clay is smaller than .2 microns.

This small size accounts, in part, for its potency in the area of detoxification. Being without a honeycomb structure, toxins are able to adhere to the entire surface area of Sacred Clay, as well as absorb into the particle itself.

The bulk sediment of Sacred Clay provides maximum detoxification benefits both in the blood and in the bowels, as well as on the skin when applied topically.

Therefore, comparatively speaking, Sacred Clay provides the greatest detoxification potential relative to other known clays.


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Michael King
Michael King

Michael King is a Life Enrichment Consultant, a natural intuitive, a researcher of Nature's most powerful healing resources the world over, the author of "Detoxify, Nourish & Build – Three Essentials for Vibrant Health", the Vital Health News Updates – a periodic newsletter documenting the most life-building natural resources on the planet, The Blessing Transformation, and the co-author of Life Chats with Oversoul – an ongoing dialogue designed to gain clarity and direction while navigating the immense changes going into the New Era. Michael is also an advocate of sustainable gardening, environmental responsibility, and an architect of ways to increase global food production.

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