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Insights into Keto and Weight Loss – Why it Works, and How It Can Become a Time Bomb!

May 04, 2019 26 min read

Plus, 5 Simple Keys to Losing Weight and Keeping It Off – Superfood Greens, Bitter Herbs & Digestive Spices, Blood Sugar Assimilation Herbs, and Clay

Topics in this article include:

So you have two basic choices in diet if you are to survive the food combining conflict easily: 
The Tarahumara Indians
The South American Tsimane
Kitavans of the Trobriand Islands of Papua New Guinea
So what impact does meat itself have in the formation of more serious or chronic health conditions?
Lessons From This Observation
Keto to the Rescue, Or Is It?
The Primary Health Challenges Caused by a High Fat, Low Carb Diet to Lose Weight 
How to Resolve Nutritional Deficiencies From Keto, or Switch Back Safely From Keto to Carbs
Why Undigested Fats in the Bloodstream are a Central Cause of Numerous Serious Health Complaints
Transitioning From High Fat to Low Fat Safely
Five Essential Components of an Effective, Nutritious, Health Building, and Weight Loss Program

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It is important to note that, when cared for properly, the human body knows how to maintain its own ideal weight. Weight gain, as well as excessively low weight, is connected to several causative factors. The same factors affect both excessive weight and excessively low weight: 

  • Toxins from the diet, environment, and medical treatment are central to weight imbalance. Steady detoxification of the body corrects both excessive weight and excessively low weight. (It is important to take detoxing slow and gradual, although, as will be explained at the end of this article, clay baths & clay body wraps or packs will accelerate any detox program many times over.)

  • Nutritional deficiencies form a second cause behind weight imbalance.

  • Impaired digestion contributes to a third form of weight imbalance. 

  • Concentrated and refined sugars (non-whole food sources) play a fourth significant role in promoting weight imbalance, thus the popularity of Keto and other low carb diets.

  • This is especially true when sugars are combined with a fifth cause of weight imbalance, liquid oils (thus fat concentrates), and trans fats (canola oil, deep fry oils, hydrogenated oils). 

  • Difficult to digest foods like diary and animal fats, along with nuts & nut butters, present an sixth cause of weight imbalance, especially when combined with starches, grains, sugars, or fruits.

  • A seventh cause of weight imbalance is derived from general body acidity, necessitating that the body store the acids it is unable chemically to utilize or process safely out of the body in fat cells. 

  • Hormone excesses, deficiencies, or disruptions (often due to toxins) form an eighth cause of weight imbalance. 

The foundational food combining mistake (combining sweets/starches with oils/fats) has likely been turned into a food combining rule today due to sedentary lifestyles coupled with impaired digestive powers as a result of toxins, processed foods, antibiotics, and several of the above factors related to weight imbalance, both high and low.

Pre-westernized cultures, where modern medicine had not made inroads, may have been able to survive the combination of sweets and fats better than most of us do today, but we are dealing with a compromised society due to antibiotic use, chemicals in our water, environmental toxins, toxic medical treatments, and the high prevalence of junk food in many people's diets today that also mix extremely high levels of meat/fat with extremely high levels of sugar/starch in the same meal (i.e. burgers, fries, and coke plus dessert). 

Coupled with a typical sedentary lifestyle that fails to burn both the fat and the sugars in the blood, and we can safely say that the ticking time bomb within is just waiting to go off.

It is this very food combining conflict that has given rise to the Paleo, Atkins, and Keto diets, each of which involve high fat, moderate meat, moderate vegetables, and low on the starchy foods, grains, sugars, or fruits. 

It is also this same food combining mistake that causes the vegetarian, vegan, and raw food diets to utterly fail, most of which consist of 40-50% of calories derived from plant-based fats (largely from nuts and liquid oils), qualifying them as high fat diets as well.  

Why does the combination of sugar and fat cause diets to fail? Because oils and fats tend to interfere with the natural assimilation of sugars in the body. 

"What? It's not the other way around? I've been told that it is the sugar that interferes with the use of fat in the body! Isn't this the real reason why the high fat diets suggest reducing starchy foods and sugars?"

That is the fundamental rationale that forms the basis of the Paleo, Atkins, and Keto diets (reduce carbs to give the fat free reign), yes, but as you will discover in this article, the truth is, it is the high fat that is preventing the proper use of glucose at the cellular level, thus causing insulin resistance, and subsequent inflammation, among those that also consume carbs with their fat.

Dr. Michael Greger M.D. explains it like this:

Fat in the bloodstream can build up inside the muscle cells, creating toxic fatty breakdown products and free radicals that block the insulin signaling process. No matter how much insulin we have in our blood, it’s not able to sufficiently open the glucose gates, and blood sugar levels build up in the blood. And this can happen within three hours.

Carbs and fat together in the same meal only make this worse by increasing the amount of sugar that ends up circulating in the bloodstream.

Go here to see what fat in the blood actually looks like after being spun in a vial.

Reduce the fat to a manageable level, replace the starches and sweets with whole food or herbal versions of the same, and this issue disappears entirely.

Improve the digestive powers of the body and increase daily physical exercise, and possibly this food combining rule will not need to exist (or we will be better able to tolerate minor compromises to this rule).

But with so much pollution in our food, water, and medicine today, the creation of this level of digestive prowess requires numerous lifestyle changes and a specific herbal regimen discussed below. 

So you have two basic choices in diet if you are to survive the food combining conflict easily: 

1. reduce the amount of carbs, fruit, and sugar in the diet to compel your body to convert fat to glucose for energy at the cellular level (Keto low carb, high fat),


2. reduce the fat to a manageable level to prevent the fat from interfering with the steady use of sugars, fruits, and starchy vegetables for the production of energy at the cellular level (vegan low fat, high carb). 

There is ample evidence to suggest that Nature intended for glucose to be derived from starches, fruits, and sugars first, then turn to fats for glucose when such levels are diminished. 

Turning this equation around requires forcing the body to ignore its cries for natural sugars in order to derive its energy primarily from fats.

ATP (the energy molecule) within every cell relies on glucose to generate energy. Glucose is readily derived from starchy vegetables and fruit. Converting fat into glucose for ATP production is the body's secondary source for glucose. 

Short term periods of "fat for glucose" as a result of carb reduction can successfully reduce cellulite in the body. The body will burn fat for energy when natural sugars are not available, thus the success of the Keto diet in that respect.

However, is this the best way to manage glucose production permanently? 

The true conversion process from sugar for energy to fat for energy has been said by the Keto world to take about 2 years before athletic performance will begin to rival the athletes that traditionally derive their energy from carbs.

Is this lengthy conversion process really necessary if the carbs were doing a better job in the first place?

In a moment I will provide a clear example of an indigenous society that dispels the need for such a rigorous, lengthy dietary changeover to achieve full results.

I will also reveal why the high fat programs, including the vegetarian ones, are simply setting the stage for serious health complications down the road like a time bomb just waiting to go off! 

But first, as can be shown by several indigenous cultures of Latin & South America, the quantity of fat that the body actually needs to perform all of its essential functions is around 10-15% fat, and that is primarily a level designed for extreme sport athletes.

The Tarahumara Indians

The non-westernized Tarahumara Indians, who run 50-100 miles a day, maintain their energy and health on a diet that is approximately 12% fat. They have outperformed the paleo, keto, vegetarian, vegan, and raw food athletes. They have no coronary disease!.

Their animal consumption is less that 5% of their diet (typically as a ceremonial event, not as a staple). Their main diet is 85% starchy carbs, consisting primarily of beans, wild greens, ground corn, squash, chili peppers, pinole, and chia seed (an effective energy producer).

In 1993, three Tarahumara Indians were invited to the Leadville 100 mile race high in the Colorado mountains. The first place winner of that race was Victoriano, a 55 year old Tarahumara. The second and fifth place winners were Cirrildo and Manuel Luna, the other two Tarahumaras. 

The following year 7 more Tarahumaras were invited to the Leadville 100, taking 7 of the top 11 places, including first place. Unfortunately the Tarahumaras were no longer invited to the Leadville 100, partly because they typically ran in sandals rather than Nike footwear, and partly because it was obvious they would dominate all future races. 

Athletes and medical professionals alike have since investigated this amazing culture and found that their diet stands out in striking contrast to the common diets of athletes in America today.  

In my opinion, their example is closer to the true amounts of fats and protein needed by the human body to obtain the greatest levels of physical endurance during extreme athletic performance (and an indication of what kind of diet might best suit the non-athletes as well). 

The South American Tsimane

A second study compared the South American Tsimane tribe in Bolivia, still living a traditional hunter-gatherer lifestyle, with nine other prominent cultures around the world including the former healthiest group on record, Japanese women.

The Tsimane consume a low fat, moderate protein, high carb diet, and have the lowest incidence of chronic disease of the ethnic cultures worldwide of the ten that were studied.

They have extremely active lifestyles. They hunt and fish. They grow or wildcraft their own carbohydrates in the form of rice, plantain, manioc, and corn. They also gather wild nuts and fruits.

Their findings were summarized in a metadata study by the Department of Human biology, Maastricht University, in The Netherlands:

Observations made by Kaplan et al. [27] who studied the Tsimane population in South America are of great interest in this respect. This population lives a traditional hunter–gatherer lifestyle and ingests an estimated 14% of their average caloric diet as protein, 14% as fat, and 72% as carbohydrate. Yet, despite this very high-carbohydrate intake, the Tsimane have the lowest reported levels of chronic disease of any population ever recorded to date! Today, there are no arguments to suggest that the diet of our ancestors was low in carbohydrate. Quality but not quantity of carbohydrates appears to be a key aspect to be considered.

Kitavans of the Trobriand Islands of Papua New Guinea

The macronutrient composition of the indigenous Kitavan diet on one of the Trobriand Islands of Papua New Guinea was estimated at 21% of total calories from fat, with 17% derived from saturated fat (mostly from coconuts), 10% from protein, and 69% from carbohydrates. 

A Swedish researcher, Staffan Lindeberg, studied the inhabitants of Kitava. He found no evidence that sudden cardiac death, stroke, and exertion-related chest pain ever occurred in Kitava. 

We are not talking about a "reduced rate" of cardio conditions, like in all of the high fat diet studies that leave 3% or more of the population with coronary heart disease. The research documented a zero percent rate of coronary conditions as a result of a high starchy carb diet with fruit (69%) and a moderately low fat consumption of vegetable saturated fat of mostly coconuts (17%). Animal protein, slightly lower than the Tsimane culture (14%) and slightly higher than the Tarahumara tribes (5%), coming in at about 10%.

The Kitavans are traditional farmers. Their dietary staples are tubers (yam, sweet potato, and taro), fruit, fish, and coconut. They don’t consume dairy products, alcohol, coffee, or tea. Western foods make up less than 1% of their diet, so their intake of oils, margarine, cereals, and sugar is negligible. Their activity level is only slightly higher than in Western populations. 


While the three above examples of indigenous cultures enjoy far greater health than the industrialized world, it is worthy to note two things:

  1. They eat a small amount of animal meats

  2. They are extremely active physically, such that all energy derived from carbs, proteins, and fats are likely to be used up in their active lifestyle (unlike the typically sedentary lifestyle of the average American)

So, we have three cultures here whose diet is primarily starchy carbs and fruit, low fat, and lower protein, none of which experience chronic disease from the diet. 

So what impact does meat itself have in the formation of more serious or chronic health conditions?

The Tarahumara, Tsimane, and Kitivan societies are physically active enough to burn up practically everything they consume, especially if the portions of something detrimental are small enough or infrequent. So the following studies regarding the impact of meat on the human body in general is mitigated by their active lifestyles, but will be of extreme interest to those of us that do not spend most of our days performing strenuous activities.

Here is one study noted by UC Davis Integrative Medicine that sought to discern just that:

Another prospective study examined ~17,000 people who had been followed for 12 years. They found an 8 percent increase in the risk of diabetes for every 50 grams of daily meat consumption (note that one chicken breast, bone and skin removed, is 172 grams!).

Another study referenced by the same UC Davis source (Rosanne Oliveira), accidentally discovered a shocking revelation during a controlled diet experiment with lean diabetic men on insulin:

In another study, participants were asked to eat a high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diet in quantities high enough that they did not lose weight. That was to assess the benefits of a plant-based diet vis-à-vis diabetes reversal independent of weight loss.

The results were startling; overall insulin requirements were cut by 60 percent, and 50 percent of the subjects (some of whom had been taking insulin for decades) were able to get off insulin altogether. And these remarkable changes did not happen over months—but 16 short days!

This research showed that type 2 diabetes can be reversed simply by adopting a whole food, plant-based diet even when no weight loss occurs.

These success stories reveal the true hidden dangers to any high fat, animal protein-based diet. 

Despite the success of the Keto high fat, low carb approach in the areas of weight loss and energy improvements, these studies show that there are some dangers to this approach if the diet is continued for an extended number of months and years (due to the dangerous fat-loading of cells), especially if additional superfoods (like sea vegetables) are not added to the program. Nutrient deficiencies will develop over time.

It is important to note that both animal and vegetable fatty foods do not possess the full spectrum of nutrition required by the body to meet all of its metabolic needs.

Consuming larger quantities of these fatty foods will not solve this problem either. In fact, increasing the fatty foods will merely increase the risk of serious health complications, especially for the person that continues eating carbs with their fats.

But what about for the Keto person that is not combining their carbs with their fats?

As one extensive metadata analysis by Maastricht University, Netherlands confirmed:

Within all KLCHF [Ketogenic Low Carb High Fat] studies, short-term side effects were recorded such as gastrointestinal disorders, and cardiovascular complications in the longer term. For all KLCHF studies, “compliance” was a problem due to the lack of effectiveness and/or problematic diet tolerance.

Bottom line is, if you go off the strict regimen of high fat, low carb, and add some sweets, fruits, or starches to obtain these missing nutrients, the high fat diet has preloaded your body to go off like a time bomb due to a series of events outlined below that take place at the cellular level when fats and carbs mix together in the bloodstream (and spelled out in great detail here). 

Second, additional side effects are possible from a high animal based diet such as kidney stones precipitated by the acidity caused by meat and dairy concentrating calcium into stones. This discovery came from the original use of the Ketogenic Diet (KD) to reverse epilepsy in children which resulted in a high incidence of kidney stones followed by another study testing the alkalizing effects of potassium citrate to reduce kidney stone formation resulting from the Ketogenic Diet.

The trial resulted in 10.5% of the children on the KD who did not take the potassium citrate intervention therapy developed kidney stones. Yet, among those that did take the potassium citrate intervention, 2% of the children still developed kidney stones. 

Kidney stones are extremely rare among those on a low fat, vegan diet. 

Lessons From This Observation

A plant-based diet appears to produce the most beneficial results, improving underlying health complications in a relatively short amount of time.

Consuming more fat (from meat, dairy, nuts, or even fatty vegetables, like avocados) than the body actually needs to perform the many valuable functions that fat serves in the body, typically results in the storage of the fat in and around organs and glands, as well as in the cells of the body, thus becoming an underlying cause of many health complications.

You can get away with more sugar, meat, or fat in the diet if you are physically active, thus the improvement in diabetics when they exercise more often.

You can even get away with the combination of starch and fat together if the resultant sugar in the blood gets burned up through enough daily exercise – like in the active lifestyles of indigenous people that hunt their meat and maintain the daily chores of primitive living, like carrying water, or wildcrafting berries. 

But for most of the world, it is the combination of starches & sugars (especially refined sugars) with hard to digest proteins & fat (like meat, fish, nuts, eggs, cheese, etc.) and toxic oils (like canola oil and rancid vegetable/nut oils) that contribute to the rampant, chronic health conditions of today.

This same fat-sugar conflict is behind the failure of most vegetarian/vegan/raw food diets as well. 

Why? Because the level of fats in these diets often exceeds 10-15%, rising even to 40-50% in some cases (with nuts often forming the bulk of the fat consumed), resulting in the steady decline of health and systemic inflammation, compelling many to switch back to their former diets.

The health complications from a diet high in both fat and carbs can range from digestive bloat, to cold extremities & cold sensitivity, to chronic fatigue, to spaciness & mental fog, to achey muscles & joints, and even obesity!

More serious conditions include heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and numerous other chronic health conditions.

Based on my observations discussing health matters with thousands of clients, these conditions can even be created when the food consumed is organically grown, and even when consuming only organically grown raw food!

Keto to the Rescue, Or Is It?

Many people are now looking to the Keto diet approach to lose weight and improve energy levels. The Keto approach resolves this fundamental conflict between fat and sugar by minimizing the carbs.

The Keto diet targets an ideal food ratio of 75% fat, 20% protein, and 5% carbs (including a small amount of berries as fruit).

The diet can accomplish both weight loss and improved energy levels in the short run, but long term usage of the diet, or an improper application of the diet can lead to further health complications. 

The Primary Health Challenges Caused by a High Fat, Low Carb Diet to Lose Weight 

The primary challenge presented by the Paleo, Atkins, Keto, high fat, low carb approach has to do with the inevitable loading up the cells of the body with fat, making it impossible for sugars to be assimilated at the cellular level.

This is actually a prime objective of the Keto diet so the body will burn fat for glucose rather than sugar – and it works for awhile, until the second biggest challenge to the Keto approach shows up – nutritional deficiencies caused by the lack of starches, fruits, greens, and superfoods in the diet (the last two are easily resolved by simply increasing them to a sufficient level while on Keto, discussed below). 

Nutritional deficiencies are also central to excessive weight, as well as excessively low weight. 

The third reason the Keto diet can lead to serious health challenges with long term adherence has to do with the acidity of most of the foods involved (meats, fish, dairy, nuts, eggs, etc.).

An acid constitution actually counters bile flow by making the bile thick and sluggish, thus inhibiting bile reaching the fat as it leaves the stomach. Given that bile is Nature's original laxative, the result is constipation.

(How many people do you know today, of any dietary persuasion, that deals with constipation?)

Sluggish bile also leaves the fats and oils only partially digested. The net result is undigested fat circulating in the bloodstream, which may explain why athletes lose oxygen assimilation efficiency and experience a decrease in performance while on a high fat, low carb diet. 

Why? Because circulating fat thickens the blood, thereby reducing capillary circulation. Oxygen does not make it to all of the cells because the blood is too thick to circulate very well into the tiny capillary channels.

Compounding the problem is the fact that fat is less efficient at supporting muscle action than the body's most natural source of fuel for energy, glucose. 

The glucose for glycolysis can be provided by the blood supply, but is more often converted from glycogen in the muscle fibers. If glycogen stores in the muscle fibers are expended, glucose can be created from fats and proteins. However, this conversion is not as efficient.

This is why the Keto promoters explain that it takes about 2 years on the Keto diet for athletes to obtain the same levels of performance that was previously naturally obtained from carbs.

Yet the Tarahumara Indians conclusively prove that oxygen efficiency and long distance running endurance is best achieved with a low fat/high vegetable starch diet, along with an emphasis on chia seeds in the diet. Evidently such a diet supplies a steady flow of both sugar and oxygen to the cells of the body over the span of a 20 hour/100 mile marathon. 

Cheat a bit on the Keto or other high fat regimen and health deteriorates rapidly simply due to the conflict between fats and carbs when consumed together, or when consumed too close together before either one has been fully digested. 

This fact, and the experience of many on Keto that test the waters by splurging on a sugar-rich dessert, birthday cake, or that comforting banana, only to suffer severe consequences, reveals that restricting carbs to enjoy the benefits of fats does not resolve the underlying metabolic or digestive problems that drove the choice to go Keto in the first place. 

In fact, the choice to go Keto, with all of its benefits, can merely be slowly building up a future health crisis like a time bomb, especially if a switch back to carbs is found necessary to balance out the diet.

How to Resolve Nutritional Deficiencies From Keto, or Switch Back Safely From Keto to Carbs

Once the cells, bloodstream, and organs of the body are filled with stored fat excesses, thus preventing glucose assimilation, it may take 1-3 weeks of a "no fat - no sugar diet" to clear the fat from the organs, cells, and bloodstream before starches, fruits, and sugars are able to once again be safely consumed, thus clearing the way for glucose to once again enter the cells. 

The reasonable answer to the nutritional deficiencies, and high acidity promoted by the Keto diet is to consume a greater portion of leafy greens and superfoods sufficient to offset the imbalances created by a strictly high fat, high protein diet. 

Meat, dairy, nuts, seeds, avocados, and veggies alone do not supply all that the body needs, so superfoods will need to be added, not only for their comprehensive, dense nutritive profiles, but also for the rapid alkalinity that they provide to offset the acidic diet.

So, the Keto diet can help those that are struggling with weight or finding that their other diets that mix fats and sweets are not working for them, and as long as such a program remains a short term solution with an abundance of veggies and superfoods to keep up with necessary nutrition, it can accomplish a few desired goals and avoid an immediate crisis (in a tasty, fat-loving way!).   

Eventually however, from those I know on the same program, and from studies that point to the same, the desire to include more live food, fruits, and starches starts to boil up from within.

The high fat diet is naturally difficult to maintain. The body naturally craves sugar to supply its glucose needs. Fats are supposed to be the backup measure supply of glucose, not the primary source. 

The time bomb is ticking, and something inside is making this known. The desire for more carbs becomes inevitable, yet any attempt in that direction while maintaining the high fat regimen is likely to be met with disastrous results.

Why Undigested Fats in the Bloodstream are a Central Cause of Numerous Serious Health Complaints

Unemulsified fats, resulting in undigested fats in the bloodstream, is the primary cause of fat accumulation around organs, glands, and muscle tissue.

Undigested fat circulating in the blood is also central to heart diseaseheart attacks, atrial fibrillation, irregular heart beats, diabetes, obesity, chronic fatigue, thick blood, blood clotting, strokes, poor capillary circulation, hearing loss, viral overgrowth, shingles, cold hands and feet, neuropathy, and numerous other conditions.

When the liver can no longer handle the quantity of fat consumed (especially if the fat is derived from fast food, fried food, most restaurant food, most vegetable oils, canola oil, packaged processed foods, and the like), the body will store the unusable fat in various places throughout the body.  

Ultimately, this storage of undigested fat around organs and glands leads to the presence of fat inside the cells of the body preventing the delivery of sugars to the cells of the body

UC Davis Integrative Medicine in the above linked article describes the process like this: 

Fat build-up inside (muscle) cells creates toxic fatty breakdown products and free radicals that ‘block’ the insulin-signaling process, close the ‘glucose gate,’ and make blood sugar levels rise.

And this cycle can happen really fast. In fact, insulin resistance can occur in 180 short minutes (just 3 hours!) after the consumption of fat.

Go here to see what fat in the blood actually looks like after being spun in a vial.

Metadata studies like this one are used by high fat proponents to say that saturated fat does not increase the rate of cardiovascular diseases because the percentage of diseases were similar between the groups that consumed saturated fats compared to those that consumed other kinds of fat, thus justifying animal fats in the diet. 

The elephant in the living room is that 11,000 people of over 347,000 in the studies mentioned (approx. 3%) did experience cardiovascular disease on diets high in fat, both saturated and otherwise. Thus, all forms of fat in quantity could be the culprit. 

Now compare that to the Tarahumara Indians that had zero incidences of cardiovascular disease.

The indigenous Tsimane population on a high carb diet was also surprisingly low in all areas of chronic disease.

The Kitavan island dwellers showed no evidence of coronary and cardiovascular disease. 

And what about the shocking results from the study mentioned above in which 50% of insulin dependent diabetic participants were able to get off their insulin within 16 days of experimenting with a high carb/low fat plant-based diet?

Several other Latin American indigenous cultures have been studied comparing the low fat vegetarians, with partial vegetarians, and omnivores of the regions.

Consistently the same findings were returned from each of the various cultures studied:

From pre‐historic times to the modern age, the contribution of Latin America's native population to the world's nutrition has been important. In these populations, plant‐based diets have been found to be associated with lower risk factors with respect to the development of several chronic diseases as CHD [Coronary Heart Disease], blood hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemias [high cholesterol levels], and metabolic syndrome [abnormalities associated with the development of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes].

The Keto diet solves this problem by reducing the carbs to 5% so as not to challenge the fat taking up all of the storage sites in the cells and elsewhere in the body, thereby reducing the blood sugar quantity circulating in the blood with nowhere to go.

But is this repairing the original organ & gland disfunction, or simply storing fat in glucose receptor sites throughout the body setting the stage for a more serious health crisis down the road should the diet be compromised in the slightest way?  

With water soluble sugars (from vegetable starches, fruits, and natural sweeteners) unable to share the same space inside a cell loaded with oil soluble lipids (fats), the two repel each other (like oil on top of water). 

The net result is insulin resistance, a primary factor in diabetes, yet also underlying numerous other health complaints, including cardiovascular disease.

Unable to deliver sugars to the cells where they belong, the sugars circulate in the bloodstream, causing high blood sugar readings, until the body can store that unusable sugar in more fat cells (often around organs, glands, and muscle tissue), or release the sugar through the urine. 

More insulin in the bloodstream to store both sugar and fat in fat cells is not the answer.

Insulin is also acidic, thus, when a demand is created for excessive amounts of insulin to store either sugar excesses or fat excesses, the result is an acidic bloodstream.

Acidic blood is thick, thus reducing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells throughout the body. 

Exercise that uses up the sugar and fat (floating in the bloodstream with nowhere to go) is part of the solution, and why exercise is well known to help control blood sugar levels. 

Separating starches and sugars from fats and oils in the diet (or consuming a low fat, high complex carb diet), is part of the solution as well.

As the above study indicates, weight loss was achieved on a high carb/high plant fiber diet, whereas weight gain was corollated to higher total fat intake, saturated fat (animal fat) intake, and protein intake. 

If one is not ready to give up animal products or high fat plants, some improvements can be made by separating the fat meals with the starch meals.

Simply schedule your starch/sugar meal early in the day followed by a protein/fat meal later in the day, so the two remain separate. This reduces the sugar/fat conflict in the body, but even this is not the whole answer.

Transitioning From High Fat to Low Fat Safely

Replacing vegetable oils in the diet with fats in whole foods like avocados, olives, seeds, etc., (but not nuts), adds more to the solution to the fat reduction puzzle.

Transitioning from high fat to low fat plus carbs safely requires reducing the quantity of both liquid oils and whole food fats, along with fruits and sugars, for a long enough period of time for the body to clear out the cells of their unnecessary fat stores, before adding whole food fats and whole food starches/sugars back into the diet (yet separated). 

This transition process may take from 1-3 weeks. You will know you have succeeded when you can eat a piece of sweet fruit and not get bloaty.

This means stick to mostly vegetables along with bitter herbs and bitter foods for a couple of weeks or so, before adding the fruits and natural sugars back in. 

Steamed or baked potatoes, beans, and vegetables (without added fats or oils), along with medicinal mushrooms and superfood blends become the high satiety foods during this transition. Yes, potatoes and beans are starches, yet they are better tolerated during a fat-purging transition than fruits, rice, and sweets.

This allows the body time to use up the fat stores in the cells so sugar from whole food starches, fruits, and whole food sweeteners (like honey), can again enter the cells unimpeded. 

Superfood green formulas are essential at this point so as to satisfy the cravings for meat, fat, and nuts commonly experienced when the nutritional stores get low and/or blood sugar levels drop. A tablespoon of a superfood blend when cravings kick up can stop the desire to binge on an unhealthy snack.

Excess weight rapidly declines when you consume superfood nutrition (some fat cells are simply there to store energy for future times of low food intake).

This is why starvation diets never work long term, in that they merely increase malnutrition.

High levels of superfood nutrition work wonders to reduce fat, simply because it supplies the essential nutrients the body needs to clean house and build health naturally.

Starvation/malnutrition fat simply disappear when the body is no longer in starvation mode.

Bitter herbs and digestive spices are central to addressing the core issue responsible for fat accumulation in and around organs, glands, and muscle, and fat stored inside the cells of the body preventing sugar assimilation.

Bitter herbs and digestive spices stimulate the production of bile and digestive enzymes, thus increasing the emulsification of fats in the diet (even fruits have some fats in them), and improving the extraction of nutrients from foods already eaten, while placing an increased demand on the body for more cholesterol to make more bile. 

Digestive spices stimulate the production of digestive enzymes from the salivary glands, pancreas, stomach, and intestines. Their function is to break down and utilize the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that you eat. 

Digestive spices include the condiments commonly added to food dishes to spice them up and make them flavorful. They also improve the digestion and assimilation of the foods themselves.

Turmeric, ginger, black pepper, cumin, fennel, bay leaves, cardamom, cinnamon, and basil are examples of digestive spices.

Well digested meals help keep the body slim and healthy. Undigested, or unusable fats, starches, and sugars are readily stored in fat cells awaiting the day for the right nutrients to come along and release them for use in the body or disposal through the elimination channels.

Bitter herbs compel the body to scavenge fat from the actual cells of the body. This is the main secret to reducing fat accumulation throughout the whole body. 

Fat stores throughout the body, including from the cells of the body, are then released and delivered to the liver to make more bile.

For this reason bitter herbs and digestive spices are a key factor in making a safe transition.

Blood sugar regulating herbs are equally important in improving sugar delivery to the cells for energy production. 

Blood sugar regulating herbs assist in stabilizing sugar levels, whether high or low, while reducing sugar and protein cravings. Insulin resistance is diminished. Sugar utilization is improved.

The body naturally slims down. The time bomb is defused.

Add clay baths to this equation and excess cellulite disappears even faster. In this case it is the fat cells that are carrying toxins (one way the body protects itself from the toxins is to encapsulate them in fat cells) that disappear from the body (being no longer needed) as the toxins are drawn into the clay. 

There are other ways to rapidly reduce fat stores in the body by simply following Nature's own common sense solutions, like whole foods, whole herbs, natural clays, a sensible, balanced, properly food combined diet, rebuilding organ and gland health (like the spleen), detoxing the body (especially from dental work), and consuming highly structured water, etc. 

Yet, along with superfood blends and clay baths or body packs, it is the bitter herbs, digestive spices, and blood sugar regulating herbs that form the basis of a quality supportive therapy for a weight balancing program.

Whether you continue with a high fat/low carb or a high carb/low fat diet, there are still 5 essential components that will improve your results substantially by:

  1. solving the nutritional deficiencies inherent in both programs,

  2. while optimizing the digestive powers of the body,

  3. improving blood sugar delivery to the cells,

  4. and detoxing the body of the chemicals, heavy metals, radiation, etc. that interferes with metabolic activity in the body universally. 

Five Essential Components of an Effective, Nutritious, Health Building, and Weight Loss Program

1. Alkalizing greens and superfoods in great abundance are also necessary for high fat dieters to maintain both proper nutrition and body alkalinity so as to insure a fluid, alkaline bile production from the liver when fats & oils leave the stomach. 

For this purpose, Earth & Sea Greens, or Vital Cleanse & Nutrify, and/or Sea Vegetable Blend plus Moringa will load the body with thousands of nutritional compounds found in densely nutritious superfoods to supply the missing elements in any food-based diet (and even the mostly breatharian program!).

2. Bitter herbs are essential components to insure sufficient laxative bile is produced to counter the constipating effects of the fat based proteins (meats, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts, etc.). The same holds true for those that consume concentrated sugars or bananas, both of which are constipating.

Bile is the body's natural laxative. Better than magnesium supplementation, bile is made by the liver to regulate bowel activity naturally. 

Effective concentrated bile flow (with appropriate food combining), activated by the consumption of oils and fats and bitter herbs, help to insure that fats do not end up in the bloodstream undigested.

Both Digestive Bitters and Herbal C are recommended for this purpose.

3. Digestive spices are also essential to improve the digestive powers of the body sufficient to handle the hard to digest foods like meat, cheese, eggs, and nuts, and to prevent fermentation in the gut of any food source, vegetable, fruit, and otherwise. 

Both Digestive Bitters and Herbal C are recommended for this purpose.

4. Blood sugar regulating herbs are needed to improve the assimilation of glucose into the cells needed by ATP (the energy molecule) to create energy.

BloodSugar Balance and Kidney & Adrenal Builderare recommended for this purpose. The first supports the pancreas and the second the adrenals, both of which are involved in sugar regulation.

5. Clay Baths, Shower Slurries, or Body Wraps in Clay provide a rapid way to dissolve fat by drawing toxins out of the subcutaneous fat just under the skin (referred to as your second liver) which acts as a temporary storage depot until the toxic waste can be sweated out. 

Toxic waste is commonly stored in fat cells throughout the body to protect the body from harm. Draw the toxins out with clay, and the fat it was once stored in disappears.

Clean out the subcutaneous layers of its toxic waste on a regular basis (daily -weekly) and the body will delete more fat stores throughout the body holding toxic waste in order to deliver those toxins to the skin, bowels, and urine for eventual release as well. 

Because losing weight is known to increase toxic compounds to the subcutaneous fat layers adjacent the skin all over the body, it is important that the application of clay on the skin, through clay baths or body slurries, be made to steadily draw these toxic compounds out of the subcutaneous fat so as to prevent rashes and other skin conditions. 

Doing so will also accelerate the loss of fat stored throughout the whole body. 

One woman did 5 clay body wraps and reported the loss of 80 inches in an assortment of body circumference measurements. 

The home version of a body wrap is to simply slather the body in clay and wrap in an old sheet, then cover yourself with blankets and hang out until the clay dries, or as long as possible, like an hour or more. Then take a clay bath to rinse off the clay and clear the skin of toxins drawn near the surface but failed to get out of the body before being washed off.

The power of clay to detox the body gently through the skin in baths and clay packs is a little know treatment today, but it is time for it to become mainstream due to the extraordinary levels of heavy metal and chemical toxins in the body from medical treatment, medicines, vaccines, and chemicals in our food, water, and environment. 

This protocol is especially effective for children.


Several South American indigenous cultures are revealing to the world that a high carb, high fiber, whole food, low fat diet generates the greatest of health, while demonstrating how the same diet leads to extraordinary athletic performance where extreme endurance is required.

Numerous studies are now pointing to the same fact, yet taking it to another level beyond what the indigenous cultures have done.

Nutritional science has now confirmed that a diet free of all animal flesh and low in fat overall, but high in whole food fibrous carbohydrates results in the greatest likelihood of living into advanced years free of chronic diseases. 

In addition to shifting from high fat to low fat in the diet, and practicing wise food combining to avoid consuming fats and starches or sugars together, 5 additions to the nutritional program will further improve your health, accelerate the loss of excess weight, and enhance your digestive powers. 

These 5 include: 

  1. Superfood greens (Earth & Sea Greens, Vital Cleanse & Nutrify, and/or Sea Vegetable Blend plus Moringa)

  2. Bitter herbs (Digestive Bitters, Herbal C)

  3. Digestive spices (Digestive BittersHerbal C)

  4. Blood sugar regulating herbs (BloodSugar Balance, Kidney & Adrenal Builder)

  5. Clay applications to the body in the form of clay baths or body slurries & packs (Sacred Clay(may also be taken internally), or the Bath Kit which includes Sacred Clay & Black Beauty

Many blessings of health & success,
Enjoy the many gifts from Nature!


Michael King
Michael King

Michael King is a Life Enrichment Consultant, a natural intuitive, a researcher of Nature's most powerful healing resources the world over, the author of "Detoxify, Nourish & Build – Three Essentials for Vibrant Health", the Vital Health News Updates – a periodic newsletter documenting the most life-building natural resources on the planet, The Blessing Transformation, and the co-author of Life Chats with Oversoul – an ongoing dialogue designed to gain clarity and direction while navigating the immense changes going into the New Era. Michael is also an advocate of sustainable gardening, environmental responsibility, and an architect of ways to increase global food production.

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