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Sea Vegetables – Mother Nature’s Miracle

July 11, 2017 3 min read

Two Recipes Using Some of Nature's Most Nutritious Superfoods 

At Vitality Herbs & Clay, we get lots of questions about food. “If I can’t eat sugar, bread, oils, sweets, brassicas, soda, chips, pasta, tomatoes, nuts, cheese, meat, dairy…..What CAN I eat??? One option is to boost your intake of sea vegetables with the following tasty recipes!

Seaweed is one of Mother Nature’s most nutritious vegetables. It is packed with macro minerals and trace minerals, amino acids, electrolytes, hormone precursors, and many other little-known phyto-nutrients.

Sea vegetables contain 10-20 times the minerals of land foods and an abundance of vitamins and other elements needed for metabolism. It is an excellent source of iodine, magnesium, iron, sodium, silica, potassium, and calcium. Sea vegetables contain a wide variety of proteins (red seaweeds can be as high as 47% of dry weight) and healthful (good for you) carbohydrates. (Nutritional and antioxidant properties of different brown and red Spanish edible seaweeds)

Sea vegetables provide one of the most effective ways to keep the body’s pH in balance. Seaweeds are extremely effective at neutralizing heavy metals (like radiation) and chemical pollutants.

Here are just a few of the ways sea vegetables can be used to add a powerhouse of nutrients to your diet:

1) Some dried seaweed makes a yummy alternative to potato chips and other salty snacks.

2) Kelp noodles can be used as a pasta substitute.

3) Dried sea vegetables add a subtle & exotic element to soups, casseroles & stir-fries.

4) Nori sea vegetable sheets can be used as a tortilla, to make sushi with, or as seaweed chips.

5) Purple Dulse can be used as a salt substitute.

6) You can also take Sea Vegetable Blend plus Moringa, a nutritious combination of energy-building seaweeds, algae, and Moringa.

(Good sources for the sea vegetables mentioned above can be found at the end of this article.)

Here are two recipes using sea vegetables:

Nori Chips

Nori sheets, raw

Himalayan saltsole (pronounced so-LAY)

Food dehydrator

Use as many sheets of nori as your food dehydrator will hold. I cut the nori sheets in half so they will fit in my dehydrator. Spray the sheets with Himalayan salt sole. Dehydrate at 95 degrees for approximately 1 hour, or until crisp. Cut with scissors into bite sized pieces.


Oriental Noodle Soup

Water - 3 quarts

Onion - peeled, diced

Garlic - 4 cloves, peeled, diced

Ginger root - 2-3 large chunks (remove after cooking)

Oregano - 2 heaping teaspoons

Curry powder - 1 heaping teaspoon

Cumin - 2 teaspoons

Green and/or red chili powder - ½ teaspoon

Red chili - 1 teaspoon, crushed (to taste)

Dill weed - 1 teaspoon

Hungarian Paprika – 2 teaspoons

Kudzu – 3 tablespoons stirred into ½ cup cold water

Seaweed noodles - 4 cups, chopped

Fresh organic spinach - 1 bunch, wash, chop a little (options: use kale, nettle leaf or chard)

Bell pepper - ½ diced (red, orange or yellow)

Celery - 2 or 3 long stalks, chopped

Shiitake or portabello mushrooms, chopped - 1 cup

Fresh cilantro - ½ bunch, chopped


1. In a large soup pot, add 3 quarts water.

2. Add the diced onion, garlic clove, ginger chunks.

3. Stir in the oregano, curry powder, cumin, green and/or red chili powder, red chili, Hungarian paprika, dill weed and kudzu (mix kudzu first with a small amount of cold water to insure it dissolves before adding to hot water) and simmer for about ½ hour till ingredients are melded.

4. Add the seaweed noodles.

5. Stir in spinach (or other greens), bell pepper, celery, mushrooms and cilantro.

6. Simmer for 10 more minutes. Remove from heat.

7. Sprinkle a little thinly sliced green onion, if desired

8. Taste and adjust seasonings as desired. Serve with lime wedges and a fresh cucumber/seaweed salad, or fresh salad of your choice.


A Good Sources for Sea Vegetables:

Kelp noodles (a clear, fine noodle) – Sea Tangle Noodle Company

Seaweeds – Mountain Rose Herbs

Organic raw nori sheets – Navitas Naturals 


A Good Source for Spices

A variety of chemical-free spices – Starlight Herb & Spice Company


Many blessings of health & success.
Enjoy these simple gifts from Nature!

Michael King
Michael King

Michael King is a Life Enrichment Consultant, a natural intuitive, a researcher of Nature's most powerful healing resources the world over, the author of "Detoxify, Nourish & Build – Three Essentials for Vibrant Health", the Vital Health News Updates – a periodic newsletter documenting the most life-building natural resources on the planet, The Blessing Transformation, and the co-author of Life Chats with Oversoul – an ongoing dialogue designed to gain clarity and direction while navigating the immense changes going into the New Era. Michael is also an advocate of sustainable gardening, environmental responsibility, and an architect of ways to increase global food production.

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