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Q&A on Sacred Clay: Its Origin, Clay Type, and Uses

November 09, 2018 4 min read

What makes Sacred Clay stand out in its effectiveness and wide variety of use?

Clay & water are the most ancient health remedies of all time for both human and animal. It is my belief that they will be among the ultimate remedies of the future as well.

The sources for all four of our personally harvested clays: the Sacred ClayOrmalite, AquiTerra, and Vitallitewere discovered within a few miles of Crater Lake, Oregon, long revered by many as a sacred site and prized for its pristine beauty.

The ley lines and vortex surrounding Crater Lake infuse the silica matrix of the clays, adding electrical power and mystique to their already remarkable properties.

Sacred Clay Compared to Other Clays
Unlike sodium bentonite and a few other clays, Sacred Clay will not swell or clump when mixed with water.

It will not clog your drain pipes like a sodium bentonite.

It is safe for both city water pipes and septic tanks (enhancing friendly microbes in the septic system). 

It mixes easily, goes on easily, and comes off easily with water.

It makes an exceptional clay facial, clay bath, body wrap, and clay poultice (a body pack).

It also makes for an excellent tooth paste/powder providing benefit to both gums and teeth, reducing plaque, and detoxing the mouth. 

It can be consumed with other natural supplements and with food, as it improves digestion and helps make other nutrients more bioavailable (due to the inherent silica-based ligands formed from the clay when added to water). Ligands are essential for nutrient delivery to the cells. 

It is a very effective detoxifying clay (one former auto mechanic client discovered a oil slick 1/8 inch thick on the bottom of his first Sacred Clay bath). The clay has a natural ability to remove both chemicals and heavy metals, with clay baths and clay body wraps proving to be two of the most effective, yet gentle methods of removing both, surpassing even that of standard chelation therapy approaches.

I have a great amount of respect for clays of all types. All clays, in my opinion, have value and offer some of the most effective healing powers known to man. 

The descriptions below about Sacred Clay do not rule out the use of other clays (whether ours or those provided by others) with benefits in unique areas (like the Ormalite for its ormus content, or Vitallite for its ability to provide that 'second wind' during an intense workout, or AquiTerra for slowing the bowels when needed).

Yet, my experience is thus far proving that Sacred Clay stands out as having the most broad spectrum of benefits to human, animal, water, and soil alike. Sacred Clay's unique clay composition described below is likely responsible for its broad spectrum of benefits. 

Each of these areas of benefit are discussed in the Sacred Clay Instructions for Use article (from which this description is extracted). (See Clay Comparisons for a more complete assessment of the most popular clays today.)

What form does the Sacred Clay come in?
At this point, Sacred Clay comes in a dry powder form, not a damp pre-mix. The clay bulk powder and the clay in the capsules are the exact same clay.

The clay in the Bath Kit and the dry powder form for internal use are also the same clay.

The agricultural version of Sacred Clay is called Silica Rich. It utilizes the balance of the bulk material following the extraction of Sacred Clay.

Silica Rich is composed of the same source material but is sifted to 1/4 inch in size (4760 microns) and smaller, whereas Sacred Clay is 325-500 mesh and smaller in particle size (44 & 28 microns and smaller) with a percentage as small as 1 to .2 microns. ("Mesh" indicates "number of holes per inch" while accounting for the diameter of the wire mesh itself until you get too small a particle for screens.)

This means Sacred Clay will generally have particle sizes no larger than 44 microns (325 mesh), with approximately 35-50% being less than 2 microns (6,000 mesh), yet a certain percentage will be as small as .2 micron (60,000 mesh) based on electron microscope analysis.

What kind of clay is Sacred Clay?
The Sacred Clay shows a very complex clay mineralogy, each aspect of which contributes to the clay's remarkable properties and such a wide band of usage. 

Sacred Clay is dominated by rectorite (R1 & R3 mixed layer illite/smectite), montmorillonite, illite, with lesser amounts of pyrophyllite, chlorite, kaolinite, and jarosite (hydrated iron sulfate).

This unusual clay is a natural product of hydrothermal alteration (the interaction of underground boiling lava and aquifer related steam and pressure) coupled with sulfur related weathering.

The composition of clay mineralogy will change from cubic foot to cubic foot due to the fact that Nature is not uniform, yet the greater portion of the deposit will have a fundamental rectorite/smectite foundation. Some of the minor clay portions will vary or be absent based on the unique location and depth. 

It was once reported to us based on a 1980's geological report that the clay was predominately pyrophyllite, but our own geological analysis reveals that it is predominately a rectorite/smectite with the smectite portion showing characteristics of montmorillonite and pyrophyllite, but in different proportions than indicated in years past.

This is the same clay and same deposit location, just reaching to deeper levels as the upper levels are consumed. 

Read more about Sacred Clay:

Sacred Clay Instructions for Use

Clay Comparisons – What are the differences between Zeolite, Bentonite, Montmorillonite, Illite, French Green, Pascalite, Redmond, Terramin, Living, Fuller's Earth, Pyrophyllite, Ormalite, Vitallite & Rectorite Clays?

Are Clay and Herbs Safe During Pregnancy and Lactation? Nutrition, Detoxification and a Mother's Intuition

A Heavy Metal Cleansing Program Following Dental Filling Removal Even if you went to a conscious dentist, cleansing heavy metal vapors from your system is essential to preserving long-term health

Our Clay Minerals & Electrolytes group of clays and mineral products

Michael King
Michael King

Michael King is a Life Enrichment Consultant, a natural intuitive, a researcher of Nature's most powerful healing resources the world over, the author of "Detoxify, Nourish & Build – Three Essentials for Vibrant Health", the Vital Health News Updates – a periodic newsletter documenting the most life-building natural resources on the planet, The Blessing Transformation, and the co-author of Life Chats with Oversoul – an ongoing dialogue designed to gain clarity and direction while navigating the immense changes going into the New Era. Michael is also an advocate of sustainable gardening, environmental responsibility, and an architect of ways to increase global food production.

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