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Herbs and Clays for Energy

March 25, 2017 9 min read

The Most Important Formulas for Restoring Depleted Energy from Life Stress, Dietary Compromises and Physical Injury

Earth-Based Sources for Vitality

Restoring physical energy is readily accomplished with a comprehensive seven-fold approach:

1)   Nourish the body to the max with alkalizing superfoods and earth-sourced minerals

2)   Rebuild the energy-producing systems of the body concentrating on the spleen, pancreas, adrenals, kidney jing essence and thyroid

3)   Improve the digestive powers of the body ­with bitter herbs (for bile which emulsifies fat), digestive spices (which activates digestive enzymes from your own pancreas, stomach, liver & intestines), Soil Based Organisms (which complete the digestive and nutrient delivery processes)

4)   Detoxify the substances which tax the body’s immune system and which are normally stored in fat cells, skin, muscles, joints, organs and glands (using body wraps, clay baths and internal clay consumption, along with herbal detox approaches)

5)   Reduce pathogen counts (bacteria, viruses, yeast/fungus & parasites) which tend to tax the immune system). When the immune system is taxed, the body naturally goes into “slow-down mode” to conserve energy for fighting the pathogens

6)   Abide by certain food combining practices and dietary constraints (OK, So What Foods CAN I eat?)

7)   Remember the True Nature of Life when life/emotional stresses affect your energy (The Blessing Transformation and Emotion-Packed Imagery)

What follows is an outline of the most important formulas or articles with which to address each of the above categories.

Keep in mind that Nature has designed even a single herb to work on several body systems at once (digestive, immune, energy, etc.) in order to produce an overall desired effect. Therefore, any one herbal or clay formula will help to build strength in several systems of the body.

The formulas suggested herein were designed to provide herbs which have been used for thousands of years to rebuild weakened body systems both generally and specifically.

A specific formula will emphasize herbal nutrition known to support a specific organ or gland, yet will also send nutrients to each of the other organs and glands required to best support the one system being targeted, say the adrenals, for instance.

Nature knows that this broad approach from even a single herb or clay (and certainly from an herb or clay blend) is necessary for the body to restore complete balance. This is due to the interdependence of the various components of the body and the wisdom of Nature that builds healing resources with this in mind.

For this reason we only recommend whole herbs, clays, seaweeds, algae, pollen, humic acids, etc. The comprehensive balance Nature built into each earth-sourced ingredient is a perfect match for the systems of the body which require such a comprehensive approach to rebalance themselves.

Thyroid Balance, for example, is higher in seaweeds so as to concentrate iodine and selenium and other minerals necessary for strong, balanced thyroid function, yet seaweeds are effective revitalizers of every major system of the body. Thyroid Balance also helps the body stay at the perfect pH of 7.35.


Nourish the body to the max with alkalizing superfoods and earth-sourced minerals

Earth & Sea Greens replaces all vitamin formulas, providing well over 1,000 nutritional compounds. Loaded with nutrient dense sea vegetables, algae, nutritive herbs, pollen, adaptogenic herbs and mushrooms, Earth & Sea Greens is a near “one stop shop” for nutrition. No vegetables are included in this formula as we feel they would only water down its exceptional nutritional density. Consume a half tablespoon or more with each meal to convert a meal, even a salad, into a truly wholesome experience. It fills in the void commonly left by today’s food choices. Helps to regulate blood sugar levels and insures the body stays at the perfect 7.35 pH.

The Clay Water Mineral Drink Recipes, outlined in the archived article with that title, insures the body maintains a complete stock of 80+ minerals plus monatomic elements essential for every chemical, hormonal and enzymatic function of the body. Minerals are foundational to building energy reserves of the body since hormones which regulate energy are built primarily of minerals and cholesterol (also made of minerals).

The Clay Water Mineral Drinks typically consist of Sacred Clay and optionally Ancient Mineral Blend, Vitallite (for energy), Ormalite (for calming & hormone balance), possibly lemon or lime (which further improves mineral assimilation).

Vitallite Clay (taken at 1/4 teaspoon (1 capsule) or more at a time is particularly vitalizing, but not like coffee. It is not a stimulant. It provides a support system of energy for 3 or more hours leaving you with less, or no, fatigue at the end of a physically or mentally demanding day. Excellent prior to a work out, or a day of gardening, or when traveling long distances, but not helpful before bed as it may keep you awake.

Bee Pollen –­ Propolis is a nutritive source (pollen), a powerful support for the immune system (propolis) and a source of quick energy which may last for 2-3 hours.


Rebuild the energy-producing systems of the body concentrating on the spleen, pancreas, adrenals, kidney jing essence and thyroid

Spleen Builder quickly builds power back in a typically highly compromised area of body health, the spleen. The spleen affects the thyroid, the adrenals, the foundational jing energy, digestion and immune response, among other areas. A healthy spleen is an extremely important aspect of human health and energy production.

A strong spleen provides support exhausted adrenals, pancreas, thyroid and an overburdened liver.

Kidney & Adrenal Builder concentrates on restoring jing essence (stored in the kidneys) which is foundational to adrenal strength. It also helps to dissolve stones, cleanse the urinary tract, and improve the quality of sleep.

Jing essence is more subtle than the chi meridians and is the basic foundation of life energy. Jing is depleted by sugar, pharmaceutical & recreational drugs, coffee, radiation, toxic chemicals, heavy (industrial) metals, life stress events and limiting/fearful attitudes or beliefs.

Rebuilding jing essence can be accomplished with exercise, chi gong, herbs, minerals, ormus-bearing clays, a clean diet, and seeing more of the true nature of Life.

Blood Sugar Balance typically eliminates sugar cravings in about 20--30 minutes and improves pancreatic enzyme output for better digestion. It also supports balanced adrenal function.

Thyroid Balance contains a blend of seaweeds so as to concentrate iodine and selenium and other minerals necessary for strong, balanced thyroid function. It also contains adaptogenic herbs and others designed to support the adrenals, the hypothalamus and the pituitary, each of which help regulate thyroid hormone production.

Adaptogen & Mushroom Blend – Adaptogens are Nature’s hormone balancers. They bring both high and low production to the middle. They “adapt” your system to your unique set of stresses. Adaptogens tend to upgrade one’s energy and sense of well-being. They help to reverse longtime stress on the hormonal system such as adrenal fatigue.

Both adaptogens and mushrooms are known to modulate (correct or balance) the immune system. This formula does not stimulate the immune system; therefore it works better for those with autoimmune conditions than Immune power.

Revitalize for Women/Men Strong on adaptogenic herbs, the two Revitalize formulas also provide an emphasis on herbs which support either women or men hormonally.


Improve the digestive powers of the body ­with bitter herbs (for bile which emulsifies fat), digestive spices (which activates over 3,000 digestive enzymes from your own pancreas) and Soil Based Organisms (which complete the digestive and nutrient delivery process)

If digestion is compromised (common if antibiotics have ever been taken), Digestive Bitters (which contains both bitter herbs and digestive spices) is recommended with each meal to reduce any sluggishness from undigested foods.

The digestion of fats, oils and cholesterol is performed by the bile (which is manufactured by the liver with help from the spleen) and delivered through the gall bladder. If the body is already acid in pH, the bile will become thick and sluggish, thus fatty substances will less likely be fully digested.

Undigested oils in the bloodstream lead to insulin inefficiency and high sugar levels followed by yeast/fungal overgrowth and poor digestion.

The pancreas manufactures over 3,000 different enzymes. Given proper mineral intake and specific digestive spices contained in Digestive Bitters, enzyme formulas, ox bile and HCL become unnecessary.

Friendly Flora (an SBO formula), cultured foods and digging in your organic garden all deliver Soil Based Organisms (SBO’s) to your bloodstream and small intestines where they multiply (if fed by chlorophyll-dense foods, fibers and inulin-rich foods). SBO’s build the digestive powers of your body. SBO’s are essential components of your immune system, digestive system and numerous other processes of the body. 


Detoxify the substances which tax the body’s immune system and which are normally stored in fat cells, skin, muscles, joints, organs and glands

Detox therapies include body wraps, clay baths and internal clay consumption, along with herbal detox approaches.

Clay baths are a big part of our overall program observing that the removal of toxins from the body daily through clay baths, or as often as possible, will accelerate any health-building program tenfold.

Purify has a concentration of herbs that cause heat, inflammation and toxins to leave the deep tissues and organs of the body. Fatigue for a few days is a common symptom followed by a greater sense of lightness and clarity, even while continuing to take the formula.

Increasing the amount taken can result in increased fatigue for a while again. It is a helpful formula, yet you have to be prepared for the effect of the body cleansing itself.

Purify is best taken during a time when clay baths are possible as these will minimize or shorten any detox symptoms. It will eventually move you toward better energy; yet can generate a pronounced lethargy for a few days until the bulk of those toxins find their way out of the body. Clay baths provide an excellent vehicle for this purpose.

Earth & Sea Greens will also naturally detoxify the organs, glands and cells of the body due to its sheer nutrient abundance. As nutrients pass through the cell membranes, an automatic reaction takes place which pulls toxins out of the cell and into the bloodstream for disposal by your liver, kidneys and bowels. Another advantage to Earth & Sea Greens is that it serves as a natural bowel and body deodorizer.


Reduce pathogen counts (Bacteria, viruses, yeast/fungus & parasites) which tend to tax the immune system.

When the immune system is taxed, the body naturally goes into “slow-down mode” to conserve energy for fighting the pathogens.

Immune Power provides an excellent avenue for building strength in the immune system so the body will be more effective at reducing pathogen counts.

Due to the typical modern lifestyle and toxic environment, most people have an undercurrent pathogen load which may consist of bacteria, viruses, yeast/fungus or parasites. A short 1-7 days on 12-24 (or more) caps of Immune Power has shown to build enough strength back into the immune system for it to get the upper hand on pathogen loads that are stressing other organs and glands, thereby reducing energy levels. The idea is to take Immune Power until you wake up in the morning feeling vibrant and energized.

Another immune support formula is Adaptogen & Mushroom Blend as both adaptogens and mushrooms tend to modulate (rebalance) immune responses in the body.


Abide by certain food combining practices and dietary constraints (OK, So What Foods CAN I eat?)

It goes without saying that making certain improvements in the diet will take you light years ahead with respect to regaining energy, regardless the herbal program you may be on. In my own recovery from the effects of life stress, antibiotic use and poor diet, both a good herbal program and close attention to a clean diet were essential to restoring energy & health.

The subject of diet is more thoroughly covered in the above referenced article; however, in general, if you are conscious of the following food combining rule, many a low energy day can be avoided:

Do not combine:
Sweets, fruits, grains or starches (things that convert to sugar) with oils, fats, meats, dairy products, or nuts (things that contain fats).

The implications of this one rule runs deep and wide in most diets - even the best of health food diets. These mis-combinations underlie the insulin resistance, followed by candida/yeast/fungal overgrowth, which is responsible for the deterioration of health and energy in most instances.

Another tip: Severely reduce or eliminate concentrated sugars and nuts from your diet (which are the two health foods responsible for the greatest amount of pathogen overgrowth) and watch how much better you feel after a few days.

When the body is overburdened with fungal overgrowth, energy levels drop and fuzzy brain increases. The body becomes more susceptible to many other health problems as well.

Abide by this basic, though rather complex, food combining rule (if you can) and watch how both health and energy levels climb. 


Remember the True Nature of Life when life/emotional stresses affect your energy.

Here are two powerful ways to improve your inner quality of life:
(The Blessing Transformation and Emotion-Packed Imagery)

A General Support Formula

Heart, Circulation and Nerves concentrates on circulation which is a central key to any health building program. Good nerve activity improves blood circulation at the capillary level which then improves oxygen delivery and the delivery of nutrients from any other herbal formula through the cell membrane. Increased effectiveness of the other formulas is the net effect. Naturally the heart will function at greater efficiency due to the greater ease of blood flow though the veins and capillaries.

Heart, Circulation & Nerves is optional being more subtle. It will speed recovery through its more subtle support of any program due to its effect on circulation, oxygenation and nutrient delivery.

Many blessings of health & success.
Enjoy the simple gifts from Nature!

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Michael King
Michael King

Michael King is a Life Enrichment Consultant, a natural intuitive, a researcher of Nature's most powerful healing resources the world over, the author of "Detoxify, Nourish & Build – Three Essentials for Vibrant Health", the Vital Health News Updates – a periodic newsletter documenting the most life-building natural resources on the planet, The Blessing Transformation, and the co-author of Life Chats with Oversoul – an ongoing dialogue designed to gain clarity and direction while navigating the immense changes going into the New Era. Michael is also an advocate of sustainable gardening, environmental responsibility, and an architect of ways to increase global food production.

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